Oh, someone was getting even cockier than normal. “Is that what I said?”
“Ain’t blind. Can see it in your eyes, woman. Can also see how fuckin’ hard your nipples are. Bet if I touched your pussy, it would be soaked.”
That same pussy clenched in anticipation of his touch. “Why me, Rome?”
He narrowed his eyes on her. “Whataya mean?”
“Why me? You have plenty of women at your disposal, why are you chasing me?”
That cocky expression quickly dissipated. “Ain’t chasin’. Don’t chase after any damn female.”
Huh.Why did he look insulted? “You came to my job. You came to my apartment,” she reminded him. That sounded like chasing to her.
“Yeah, and you hunted me down at Dick’s. So fuckin’ what?”
“We could’ve simply had sex that night and after I left, you never had to see me again. I was okay with that, I figured you would be, too. Isn’t that how you normally prefer it?”
“Says fuckin’ who?”
“Says your past actions. Tell me, how often do you do a repeat? Other than with sweet butts, of course.”
A deep crease appeared on his forehead, and he growled, “Whataya doin’, Maddie?”
She thought it was obvious. “Trying to figure out how I’m different from the other women you smash and dash.”
He rolled off her and sat up, giving her his broad back and a clear view of his cut with its rockers and patches. It was a good reminder that the Knights were a huge part of his life and always would be. He lived and breathed that club. Most loyal MC members did. Being a biker was their life, not a hobby.
“What the fuck you doin’, Maddie?”
Did he not like being called out? That surprised her. She figured he wouldn’t care since Romeo had a reputation he normally embraced. “Trying to protect myself.”
He scrubbed his hand back and forth over his smooth scalp. The jerky motions were evidence of his annoyance. “Didn’t think you wanted anythin’ more than dick.”
She thought she’d been pretty clear about it. “And that’s true. I only wanted to forget my work situation for an hour or two. You seemed like an easy solution since I assumed you didn’t like strings.”
When his head jerked sharply, she also sat up.
“But then you stuck your nose in my business by coming to my place of employment and now here you are in my bedroom.” To her, that felt like strings. Maybe they weren’t quite as heavy as chains, but more like thin dental floss.
“To fuck.”
No, it was more than that. “You came to my job and pretended to have an injury so you could fuck me again? Of course you didn’t. One didn’t have anything to do with the other. You said you wanted to protect me. That’s not typical behavior for someone who prefers one-night stands.”
He sucked on his teeth loud enough for her to hear it.
Did he not like being in the hot seat?Huh.Pity.
She added, “And don’t give me that bullshit excuse about the Fury being an ally, Rome.”
“Ain’t an excuse when it’s fuckin’ true.”
“Okay,” came out on a sigh.
“Okay what?”