Her stealthy escape proved she only wanted one thing from him.
She had said it, but most women said shit and either didn’t mean what they said, or the meaning went far deeper than their words. Of fucking course, men were just supposed to figure that shit out on their own. Like a mind reader.
And if they didn’t, they got nothing but hell for it.
It was one reason why he had no intentions to have any woman wear his cut. They were too damn confusing.
Sometimes even annoying.
Someone needed to write an instruction manual. Though, if he had to be honest, he doubted men would read it.
While he should be happy about not having to kick her out of his bed for lingering too long, it also bugged him for a reason he didn’t want to dig into.
The sex with Maddie was fucking great. But he’d had plenty of great sex before and never cared if the woman left immediately after. Actually, if a woman didn’t leave on her own, he would encourage her departure. Even assist with it.
Bottom line, when he was done, they were done.
Once they were out of sight, they were out of mind. At least until they landed in his bed again.
But not all of them got that privilege, especially if the sex sucked.
Or they never shut the fuck up.
Or they were catching feelings.
Or made demands.
But none of that applied to the woman who snuck out last night. Maybe that was why it bugged him so damn much.
It also bugged the shit out of him that she was keeping theissues she was having at work so damn close to her chest. He even asked her again after her third orgasm what the problem was.
And again, she refused to say.
Maybe he needed to find out for himself.
That was what good allies did for each other, right? Sure it was.
Since Magnum was so damn dead-set about not fucking up their strong alliance with the Fury, he couldn’t possibly have a problem with Romeo helping them out.
He should find out where she worked and go scope out the situation. Because whenever he asked Maddie for details, she blew it off.
While he figured Magnum knew where she worked, Romeo couldn’t ask him. Not without starting a shitstorm. But he did have someone he could call. Someone with the expert skills to locate anyone anywhere.
Someone on a team capable of hacking into databases—even the government’s—and not get caught.
Hunter would have no problem finding out Maddie’s place of employment and her home address. He would also keep his mouth shut about Romeo’s request.
He would only owe one of Diesel’s Shadows a favor in exchange. Whatever that ended up being might be worth it.
“Maddie, your new patient is here,”she heard called out.
Hernewpatient? She should’ve looked at her schedule closer.
She weaved through the equipment on her way to the front of the building where the receptionist greeted anyonewalking through the door. Maribeth also checked them in for their appointment and made sure they filled out their forms completely and correctly.
The second Maddie saw her new “patient,” she almost tripped over her own feet.
What the hell?Since when was Romeo an athlete needing physical therapy? His sport of choice was sex. And maybe drunken fist fights. He certainly didn’t suffer from tennis elbow or a torn Achilles tendon from running track.