The only running the Knights president probably did was from the law. And he wasn’t using his legs for that, she was damn sure he would have his powerful sled between his thighs.
So, why the hell was Romeo here at Smith’s?
She glanced over her shoulder to make sure Roger wasn’t lurking around. While she didn’t see him, that didn’t mean he wasn’t watching. He was a sneaky bastard. She had no doubt he watched the security cameras, waiting for someone to do something he didn’t like. He looked for any excuse to write someone up or degrade them verbally.
Because of that, she had to treat Romeo as she would any other patient. She gritted her teeth and kept going.
When she got to the front where he waited, she ignored the grinning man and asked Maribeth, “Did he get all the appropriate forms filled out?”
The receptionist held up a clipboard. She took it and glanced at the top sheet. “Old school, huh?” She lifted her gaze to meet Romeo’s.
The fucker was now smirking.
“You do know you could’ve filled these out online, right?” And saved a tree or two.
“Mr. Carter made a last-minute appointment,” Maribeth explained like Romeo couldn’t speak for himself.
Maddie turned enough to make sure Maribeth couldn’t see her eyes rolling. “Come with me, Mr. Carter.” Not waiting to see if he followed, she strode toward her “office.”
Truthfully, calling it an office was a joke since it was about the size of a linen closet. It barely fit a desk—half the size of a regular one—and two chairs. Luckily, they all used tablets to keep their patients’ files and notes. Fitting a file cabinet in her space would be impossible.
Not that she was in her office often. She tried to stay out on the floor as much as possible so Roger couldn’t catch her in there and be an asshole behind closed doors. If he was going to be a dick, Maddie wanted everyone to be a witness.
With Romeo’s bulk, as soon as they stepped into her office, it felt even tighter than it was in reality.
The biker was not a small man. Anywhere. He might not be quite as bulky as Magnum, or even Diesel, the DAMC’s enforcer, but he was damn close.
“Close the door,” she told him. After leaning back against her desk, she pointed to the chair in front of her. “Sit.”
No surprise that mischief filled his eyes as he took a seat. His fingers “accidentally” brushed against her thigh and caused a shiver to shoot through her.
She shook her head. “Really?” What was he up to?
He shrugged. “Kept askin’ what problems you’re havin’ here. Wouldn’t tell me, so came to see for myself.”
She sighed. “It’s not your problem, Rome. To be clear, I didn’t ask for your help.” At least help in any form other than a little sex.
Or, preferably, a lot of sex.
His nostrils flared and his expression turned serious. “Maddie, you belong to the Fury. The Fury’s our ally. That means if you got a problem, we all got a problem.”
She was tired of the ally excuse. “Bullshit.”
Chapter Twenty
“Didyou not come to me for help?” Romeo asked.
“Not this kind of help. I went to you for stress relief. And only a certain kind. That’s it.”
“Just here to figure out the source of that stress. If I can solve it, gonna do that. Should be thankin’ me, not givin’ me shit.”
“Yes, I’msooooothankful you made up an excuse to become my patient so you could stick your nose in my business. You do realize that if you solve my stressful situation, I will no longer need sex from you?”
Maddie purposely said “need” instead of “want.” Because after the two nights she’d went over to his place recently, she’d still be tempted to swap some bodily fluids with him. Forget the stress, it would simply be for pleasure.
His expression told her that he must not have thought that far ahead.
She lifted the clipboard and drew a finger down his intake paperwork. “Let’s see what excuse you used.”