A deep chuckle filled her ear. “Know what it means?”
“Why don’t you tell me, since you’re the one who put it in my phone?”
“Would rather show you.”
“I’ve seen it.”
“Worth takin’ another look.”
“Then, you can send me a pic.” A dick pic, that was.
“2D pics don’t do it justice. It’s more impressive in 3D.”
“Honestly, Rome, at the time, I didn’t know better. Now I know you’re only average.”
“Damn,” came his whisper.
“I don’t know who’s cockier. You or Zeke.”
“Guess you could say I’m cockier since mine’s bigger.”
Maddie groaned and rolled her eyes even harder this time. “I haven’t seen his to compare.”
She couldn’t even see it in the picture she deleted. A woman’s head with long bleach blonde hair had censored it. However, she did note that someone needed her roots touched up.
But that was neither here nor there.
“He’s a bit young for you, dontcha think?”
“Well, I’m pretty sure the age difference between me and him is the same as me and you. Am I too young for you?”
That shut him up. At least for a second or two.
“Whataya doin’?”
Funny how he wanted to change the subject instead of answering. “Sitting in my car talking to you.”
“Why you in your cage?”
Good thing she knew that “cage” was biker slang for her vehicle. “I’m trying to decompress.”
“From what?”
Silence filled her ear for a few seconds. “Whataya doin’?”
What?“I just told you?—”
“No. Whataya doin’ callin’ me?”
“I figured that’s why you put your number in my phone. So I’d call it.”Duh.
“Whataya lookin’ to get outta this call?”
“A conversation?” She didn’t realize Romeo was so damn dense.
“That ain’t it.”