“Don’t and find out. Your choice.” He then warned, “Choose wisely.”
Smith slammed his hand on his steering wheel. “Never should’ve hired that bitch. Knew she was trouble from the start.”
“Don’t remember askin’ for any of your fuckin’ opinions. Now… Drive!” he barked.
With a tight jaw and him mumbling curses, Smith shoved the shifter from neutral into first gear. When he lifted his foot from the clutch, the car lurched forward.
“Follow that white van,” Romeo ordered, watching Smith’s hands carefully. The fucker could be packing on his person or in the cage. He kept his own gun glued to the man’s temple. “Better watch for potholes.”
Did Smith’s Adam’s apple just jump? Good.
It was an uncomfortable twenty-minute ride. For a while he wondered if Shade was fucking lost. His arm was getting tired from holding the gun steady and his hand was beginning to cramp.
When Shade finally pulled the van over, it was onto a dirt road in some corn field. No streetlights. No traffic. And the corn stalks were high enough to hide the Porsche easily.
Maybe he needed to give Shade more credit than being just a sociopath. It was possible he was smart, too. Romeo wouldn’t form a final opinion on his future stepdaddy-in-law until he knew him a lot better.
“Set the e-brake and shut this piece of shit down.”
“This car isn’t a piece?—”
“Don’t give a fuck. Need to remind you that your shitty opinion don’t matter. On anything.”
“Now what?” Smith huffed after the engine went quiet.
The driver’s door was ripped open, and a gloved Shade reached in, grabbed Smith, and yanked him out of the vehicle.
The ground wasn’t far, but he still hit it hard with a grunt.
“That’s what, motherfucker!” Romeo yelled. He quickly tucked his gun away, hopped out of the Porsche and joined them, where Smith was still on his ass in the dirt with Shade standing over him, a roll of duct tape in his hand.
He probably kept a whole box of duct tape in that van.
With a boot to Maddie’s former boss’s back, Romeoshoved him face first into the dirt, drove a knee into the fucker’s back, leaned all his weight into it and yanked one of his arms in a direction it normally didn’t go.
“What the hell!” Smith yelled.
“Shut up,” Romeo ordered Smith before telling Shade, “Gonna hold him down, you tape him up.”
With Romeo’s help, Shade made quick work of securing Smith’s wrists behind his back and taping his ankles together.
“You will regret this!”
They should really gag the asshole. Romeo was tired of hearing his pussy-ass whining.
“Nah. Don’t think I will.” He glanced at Shade. “Will you?”
If he would’ve blinked, he would’ve missed Shade shaking his head.
Romeo jerked the man to his feet and shoved him. Smith, unable to use his legs, toppled forward and once again landed in the dirt, unable to break his fall.
Damn shame.
“Lemme help you up.” Romeo grabbed Smith’s arm and pulled him to his feet again.
“You need to let me go!” Smith’s panic was evident in his voice.