Page 182 of Romeo

As Shade grabbed Smith to assist taking him to the van, Romeo stopped him with, “Hang on, brother.” Then he stepped in front to face him and hauled off and slammed his fist into Smith’s nose. So much for not getting Smith’s DNA on him. He’d have to burn the blood-splattered clothes he was wearing. “That’s a message from thebitchyou hired.”

Smith really deserved more than only his nose broken but that would have to do for now. What was coming next would be worse than any fucking broken bones.

“All right. Now that’s been settled…”

“Before we load this motherfucker up…” Shade held out a bandana and Romeo snagged it from him. “Don’t wanna listen to his fuckin’ whinin’ for the next three hours.”

“Three hours?” Smith screeched. “Where are you taking me?”

When Romeo was finished tying the bandana around Smith’s mouth, he put his mouth near the fucker’s ear and whispered, “To the fiery depths of hell.”


“Happy now?”Romeo asked Magnum. “You were worried about fuckin’ up our alliance. Like you bein’ with Cait strengthened it with the Angels, me bein’ with Maddie strengthens it with the Fury. We’re closer to being bullet-proof. You’re fuckin’ welcome.”

“Goddamn lucky you didn’t find yourself skinned, filleted and hangin’ upside-down by your ashy feet,” the big man grumbled.

“My feet ain’t ashy!”

“That’s the part you’re worried about? Not bein’ skinned or filleted?”

“Hell no. My future stepdaddy-in-law loves me.” Romeo grinned.

Magnum snorted and shook his head. “Later, asshole.” With that, the Knights’ sergeant at arms lumbered toward the exit.

Romeo watched him go for a few seconds before snagging an unopened bottle of Jack Daniels from behind the bar atDicks and heading through the kitchen to go home to his woman.

It wouldn’t be home for long. He was passing it on to Bishop, his VP, and soon they’d be moving into a larger crib not far from Dick’s. They found a three-bedroom, two-bath house with a garage big enough for both his sled and her SUV. Even better, it had no damn stairs.

It even had a backyard large enough to hang out and barbecue. Just like a real domesticated motherfucker.

He turned the knob to make sure the door was locked—since that was a requirement for her safety and his sanity—and was relieved to find he needed to use his key to go inside.

When he did, he found Maddie—now officially his ol’ lady—curled up on the couch with her laptop, most likely scouring job postings and sending out a fuck-ton of resumes.

He told her multiple times to not freak out about earning scratch—he had them covered—but she was determined to get a job as soon as possible.

She glanced up from the computer and shot a smile at him as he slipped out of his cut and hung it near the door. “Hey, baby.”

Her smile grew bigger as he went directly over to her, grabbed her face, leaned down and planted a kiss on her mouth.

Actually, it was nowhismouth since it belonged to him.

“Is that supposed to be foreplay?” she teased.

“What, that didn’t get you wet?”

“Wrong lips,” she advised.

“Will take care of that fuck up later.” His gaze dropped to her laptop. “Any luck?”

Her smile faded. “No.”

He glanced at his phone, saw the time, and muttered a curse under his breath. He almost missed it.

Snagging the remote from the cushion next to her, he quickly changed the channel from some brain-rotting reality show with a bunch of catty bitches to a local station that covered the Pittsburgh news.

Roger Smith’s mug was plastered on the screen with the caption: New twist in the case of a local man missing for a month.