Page 17 of Romeo

“Wanna come back to my crib?”

What?Was he serious? The man clearly didn’t know how to read the room. Or picnic table. “You have an actual place? Or is it a room in the Knights’ church?”

“We got a bar. Ain’t a barn with livin’ quarters behind it, like the Fury.”

“You live in a bar?”

“Live behind a bar.”

“In an actual house?” Was Romeo somewhat domesticated and not a complete feral tom cat?

“Got four fuckin’ walls and a roof, so guess you could call it that. That make a difference for you to say yes?”



“That was my answer.”

“Figured you needed a reminder on how great it was. Willin’ to give you that reminder.”

She somehow managed to keep her eyes from rolling out of her head. “Don’t take it personally, Rome. It’s normal that someone’s first time isn’t great.” Especially with someone they didn’t share an emotional connection.

They had flirted and joked around. She thought he was hot. And from what he said, he thought the same about her.

But that was where the connection ended.

She figured out of anyone, Romeo—a known womanizer—wouldn’t care that she wasn’t experienced. She also figured since he was so self-centered and only worried about his own needs, he’d power through no matter how awkward or uncomfortable it was for her. Or,hell, the both of them.

She also didn’t want to “break the seal” with anyone she’d see on a regular basis. She was sure a few Fury members without an ol’ lady would’ve been more than willing to volunteer to help with her dilemma.

She was also aware of the fact that doing so could be dangerous for them if Shade found out.

Plus, after seeing each other naked, it would be even more awkward to look whoever it was in the eye later.

More importantly, she certainly wasn’t looking to hook up long-term with any biker. Not a Blood Fury member. Nota Dirty Angel. Or—she met Romeo’s eyes across the table—a Dark Knight.

When she found the love of her life, he wouldn’t be wearing a leather cut and riding a Harley. But then, to find the love of her life, she’d have to be looking.

She wasn’t.

Right now, her focus was on her career and getting hired by a professional sports team. She wanted to prove to herself that she could do anything she put her mind to. Like professional athletes, she also had a goal and was sprinting towards it. She didn’t want anyone tripping her up along the way.

Or a man thinking that he could tell her what to do and how to do it.

“Well?” he prodded again.

“Thank you for the invitation. Although it’s hard to resist such a generous offer, I’ll have to pass.”

“Your place is okay, too.”

“Okay for what?”

“For a repeat.”

“You might have missed this in health class, but I can’t lose my virginity a second time.”

She didn’t realize his full lips could get so thin.