Page 18 of Romeo

He reached across the table with his hand open and his palm up.

She frowned as she considered it. “What? Do you want the rest of my burger?”


“For what?”

“Gonna give you my number. You need anythin’, you fuckin’ call me.”

“You mean if I need to get stoned or get drunk enough to get into a fight, or I’m just looking to get laid without any strings attached?”

“Maddie…” he growled. “Call me if you’re in a fuckin’ jam.”

“Oh, got it. So, the word Knight in your MC’s name isn’t just random, then.”

He got up from the bench, snagged her cell phone from where it sat near her drink, and before she could duck, he held the screen up to her face to unlock it, then scrolled.

“Can I have my phone back?” she asked as calmly as she could, even though the panic was rising.

“When I’m fuckin’ done with it.”

This was exactly what shewasn’tlooking for in a man. One who made demands and thought he can dictate how she lived her life. “That’s theft.”

“Ain’t stealin’ it. Just borrowin’ it.”

Romeo continued to do whatever he was doing. Most likely inputting his number into her contacts. When he was done, she heard his cell phone ring.

Shit.Now he had her number, too. She should’ve launched herself across the table to steal her phone back before that happened.

Without warning, he tossed her phone back to her, but luckily, her reflexes were quick enough to catch it. She didn’t bother to delete her newest contact entry since he now had her number, anyway. And, truthfully, she didn’t dislike the guy. It was the opposite.

But he wasn’t for her.

Even if the sex wasn’t bad.

The problem was, if she succumbed to temptation a second time, he’d figure out just how much she had enjoyed it the first time.

Was it awkward and uncomfortable? At first, yes. But surprisingly, he made sure it wasn’t for long.Because of his reputation, she hadn’t expected him to think about someone other than himself.

He also didn’t have to do that.

But he did it for her.

And that had bothered her the most about the whole interaction.

Chapter Four

Hadit really been five fucking years since he’d seen her?

The couple of times the clubs got together he had asked about her, but not in an obvious way that would draw suspicion.

He had been told she was away at school.

When they hooked up during Easy’s wedding weekend celebration, she was already a college graduate. That meant she had gone back to further her education.

She might have mentioned it back then, but her schooling hadn’t been the focus of his interest.

Even so, that hammered home the fact that she’d been out of his league before… But now? She probably had some impressive degree. Unlike his wrinkled and stained high school diploma he received by the skin of his teeth. Did he need that damn piece of paper? Hell no. He made something out of his life without it.