“How’d you get injured?” Jude asked.
The kid had to be in his late teens or early twenties by now. He’d grown like a fucking weed since he first arrived in Manning Grove.
“From not mindin’ my own business.”
Jude chuckled and stabbed the last potato wedge on his plate with his fork. “I’m assuming you killed them for what they did.”
Maddie’s fork clattered to her plate, and she dropped her head in her hands with a groan.
Shade’s expression remained unreadable.
Josie’s eyes grew as wide as her plate before she burst out in a peel of laughter.
And Chelle scolded, “Jude! Not at the dinner table!”
But on the couch would be perfectly okay?
Jude shrugged and grinned. “That’s how we’d handle it in the Fury.”
Romeo frowned. “You a member now?”
The kid’s chest puffed out. “Prospect.”
Romeo grunted and glanced at Maddie again. She rolled her eyes at her younger brother’s boasting.
Apparently, Shade hadn’t schooled his “son” on how club business should remain within the club. That meant patched members only. “Guessin’ you haven’t learned yet, you don’t mention that kinda shit in mixed company.”
“Like they don’t know what?—”
“Jude!” Shade barked.
Jude pressed his lips together.
“He’s right,” Shade murmured. “Runnin’ your mouth’s a good way to get your cut pulled.”
Romeo got whiplash when Jude quickly switched topics. “You eatin’ your potatoes?”
He slid his plate over to Jude. “All yours.” He watched Jude shovel the crispy potato wedges into his gullet as fast as he could.
“Sorry that you didn’t enjoy your meal,” Chelle apologized softly.
Shit.“Ain’t that. The pain’s fuckin’ up my stomach.” And, of course, his pain right now was a level ten out of ten because of being manhandled by Shade and Easy. But hetook his own advice and wouldn’t mention that shit in mixed company.
It wasn’t only the pain that made him lose his appetite. It was the fact he had no idea about the point of this dinner. He really needed to get Maddie by herself later and have another convo. Let her know he wasn’t blowing smoke up her ass about wanting her to wear his cut.
Maybe she believed it as much as he did.
He definitely lost his goddamn mind.
When he looked over at her, she was smiling at him behind her glass of water.
Had she forgiven him or was that some evil smile because she knew this was to be his last meal?
Was this her idea of revenge for him fucking up her future?
A buzz had his heart jumping out of his chest.
Everyone at the table checked their phones except for Chelle.