And Romeo. Because he wasn’t taking his eyes off anyone.
With his phone in hand, Shade slid his chair back. He turned his dark eyes to Romeo. “They’re waitin’ for us.”
Say what?“Who?”
“Let’s go,” was Shade’s response, along with a jerk of his head toward the front of the house.
For fuck’s sake.This day was turning out to be all kinds of fucked. “I got a choice?”
“Can I go?” Jude asked.
“No,” Shade repeated.
Maddie’s expression told him nothing.
Shade’s face told him shit.
The taste of dread in his mouth was bitter. “You know what this is?” he asked Maddie.
She shook her head. “No. But you’re in good hands.”
She wouldn’t be saying that shit if she knew what game her stepdaddy played with him in the middle of the night.
He grabbed the crutch leaning against the table and used it to help himself stand.
“Bye, Romeo!” Josie yelled as he followed the long-haired Fury member to the front door.
He paused when he heard Chelle call out, “Good luck!”
Romeo had no idea what the fuck was going on, but he was damn sure he could use all the luck he could get.
Limpinghis way up the stairs to the second floor at The Barn, the Fury’s church, had sucked. When he stepped inside the Blood Fury’s meeting room, he found the officers already sitting around the solid wood table with the club logo carved in it dead center.
Shade hadn’t been shitting him when he said “they” were waiting.
Trip was leaning back in the chair at the head of the table at the opposite end of where Romeo stood leaning on his crutch.
He damn sure didn’t like being in the hot seat. Though, he wasn’t invited to actually sit, despite having two obvious broken limbs.
“Came to claim Maddie, huh?” Sig, Trip’s brother and the club’s VP, asked.
“Doin’ this backward, ain’t ya?” Cage, their road captain, asked next.
“Didn’t have to do it at all,” Romeo told them.
Trip cocked an eyebrow. “That right?”
It wasn’t, but the fuck if he was changing his answer. He had the utmost respect for Trip and the rest of the Fury members, but he wasn’t some damn chump. He was the goddamn president of the Dark Knights MC. He didn’t answer to them. He was only here out of respect.
And possibly because Shade insisted.
Forget the fact it was also strongly suggested by Magnum for the good of the alliance.
“Touched Fury property without askin’ first,” Ozzy, the club secretary, announced like it was breaking news.