Page 125 of Romeo

“Marvin Carter. The one who faked an injury and wasted my therapist’s time.”

Oh shit.What did Romeo do now?

Of course she knew what he did. Stuck his nose where she didn’t want it. Nowshewas in the hot seat because of somethinghedid.

Son of a bitch!

Maybe she could save herself. “He’s not my friend.”

Roger cocked a single eyebrow. “Really. He called youhis girl.”

Her mouth fell open. He didwhat? “I’m not his girl. Are you sure he was talking about me?”

“You’re the only one who works for me with the lofty dreams of working for a professional sports team.”

Her heart seized. He mentioned that? To Roger? Why?

“He demanded I put in a good word for you.”

Oh no.She bit back a groan.

“Iwillput in a word but not a good one. I can promise you, after that violent attack last night, you’ll never work around here again.”

For a violent attack, Roger sure looked fine.

“I’ll make sure every door is slammed in your face before you even have a chance to open them. And your dream of working for a Pittsburgh team?” Roger huffed out a breath. “Not a chance. You blew it.”

Heroatmeal was slowly and dangerously bubbling up her throat. She swallowed, trying to keep it contained. Though, Roger deserved a whole bowl of regurgitated oatmeal spewed over his perfectly neat desk.

Her boss jabbed a finger in her direction. “You’re fired. You will not be getting any kind of severance package, nor will you be getting your last paycheck. You have five minutes to collect your personal belongings and leave. If you dally, I’ll have the police escort you out.”


Roger gave her “the palm,” shook his head, pulled a piece of paper from the folder, and slid it across his desk. “I listed all the reasons why you’ve been terminated. Don’t even bother to file for unemployment. I made sure it’ll be denied.”

The blood drained from her face. She wouldn’t be able to get unemployment compensation?

This man was beyond cruel.

She couldn’t survive without any kind of income coming in. In a week or two, she’d be homeless, starving and living under a damn bridge in a cardboard box.

Holy shit, what was she going to do?

Roger tapped his Rolex. “Five minutes. That starts now.”

She swiped her termination memo off his desk and the second she ripped open the door to leave, she heard behind her, “And, Mad… Don’t take anything that doesn’t belong to you.”

Like she wanted anything of his.

Fuck him. Fuck this place.

And, dammit, fuck Romeo for causing this.

She stepped out but she had one more thing to say… Turning, she crumpled up her pink slip, tossed it toward the desk, flipped him the double bird and added a, “Fuck you,” before slamming the door shut.

She had nothing in this place she wanted to take with her.

Not a damn thing.