Not even memories.
Twenty minutes later, she sat in her vehicle in Dirty Dick’s parking lot, staring at the bar, and gripping the steering wheel so tightly, she was wishing it was Romeo’s neck instead.
Because of him, she just wasted a year and a half at Smith’s. A whole damn year and a half of dealing with Roger’s bullshit. For what? For it all to be gone in an instant?
This was all Romeo’s fault. He went against her request not to get involved.
Men!They always thought they knew better. All he ended up doing was screwing up everything.
Now she had no job and no possibility of landing her dream job. All because of his bullshit.
She never should’ve gotten involved with him in the first place. Sheknewit was a mistake. She went against her gut and because of that, ended up the loser in this scenario.
The sex had been great but not enough to make it worth him blowing up her future. And that’s exactly what he did by threatening Roger. Or whatever Romeo did.
Since it was still early, she had no idea if he would be in Dick’s, still in bed or out and about. She didn’t even know if the biker had a damn regular job. She couldn’t imagine that being the president of the Dark Knights paid well, if at all.
Trip didn’t get any kind of compensation in exchange for all the heartburn he got from being the Blood Fury’s president. Neither did Zak with the Dirty Angels.
It didn’t matter. None of that mattered. What mattered right now was confronting Romeo about his screw up.
As soon as she climbed out of her Highlander, she wastaking long strides to Dick’s front door. The second she was inside; she surveyed the mostly empty interior looking for the man. She went directly to the bar, where a Knight with a name patch declaring him Sigh stood tracking her approach.
“Where’s Romeo?”
“Who’s askin’?”
“A woman very pissed at him right now.”
Sigh chuckled. “Nothin’ new. Guess you expected more than a one-night stand with him?”
“No. I expected nothing from him but to stay out of my damn business.” Her voice got louder, and Sigh’s eyebrows inched higher, with each word she uttered. By the end she was practically screaming and Sigh was grinning like a fool.
“You call him?” the amused Knight asked.
No, because she wanted to face him in person. She didn’t want to hear his bullshit excuses over the phone. She wanted to be able to read his expressions. Maybe even kick him in the balls. “I take it he’s not here, then.”
Sigh shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not. He ain’t wearin’ an ankle monitor, so he’s not being tracked.”
What?She shook her head. “Is he in his place?”
“Again, maybe?—”
Maddie cut him off with a “stop talking” palm. The same as Roger gave her. With another impatient shake of her head, she pulled out her phone, found his number in her favorites—that would be changing soon—and called him.
After two rings, he picked up and before he could say a word, she demanded, “Where are you?”
Silence greeted her.
“Rome,” she growled into the phone. “Where the hell are you?”
“Shouldn’t you be at work?”
He had the balls to ask her that? “Maybe I am at work.”
“When did they start playin’ Dr. Dre? Figured that fuck only like classical.”
Dr. Dre?