Page 124 of Romeo

Plus, if he only wanted to insult her, he had no qualms about doing that on the floor in front of everyone. So, whatever he wanted to speak to her about in private couldn’t be good.

Knowing Roger, it was most likely really,reallybad.

Maddie jumped when Maribeth’s desk phone rang. The receptionist didn’t greet whoever it was, but a few seconds later only said, “She’s on her way back now,” into the receiver and hung up before shooting Maddie a sympathetic look.


She was sure Roger came up with another stupid reason to dock her pay. That meant her paycheck would once again be light. That also meant she’d be financially short to pay her bills. Again.

She didn’t know how he continually got away with doing so. Maybe she needed to talk to an attorney with extensive knowledge of labor laws. She wouldn’t be surprised if Roger was breaking at least one of them. Most likely he was breaking a slew.

With a hand pressed to her churning stomach, she gave Maribeth a stiff nod and headed toward the rear of the building, dodging equipment, and hoping she didn’t leave a trail of undigested oatmeal.

She was damn sure Roger would dock her pay if she got sick while out on the floor.

Whenshe reached his office, the door was shut so she tentatively rapped on it with a single knuckle.

“It’s open,” she heard barked through the door.

Great.He already sounded cranky.

She pulled in a deep breath, opened the door and quickly stepping through.

“Shut it behind you.”

She did, then turned to face the man sitting behind the desk in his big office like he was sitting on a throne. All he needed was a crown and scepter to complete the pompous look.

Good lord, she detested this man with her whole heart and soul.

As she went to settle in one of the chairs across the desk from him, Roger stopped her with, “Don’t bother sitting. You won’t be in here long.”

Her heart was thumping so hard, she was damn sure Roger could both see and hear it. Unfortunately, he’d probably be pleased with how nervous she was since the man thrived off fear and misery. He enjoyed making his employees jump and squirm. As well as apologize and grovel for things they supposedly did.

She clasped her hands together to prevent rubbing her sweaty palms on her khakis, and waited.

Roger only had a single folder sitting next to his oversized monitor. In his hand was a pen—one of those expensive fountain pens—that he was tapping the end on the desk.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

“You wanted to see me?” she asked.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Every tap set her teeth on edge, but she supposed that was why he was doing it.

“I didn’t want to, but you left me no choice.”

What the hell didthatmean?

“Your friend visited me last night.”

Her friend?

“More like cornered and confronted me.”

She frowned. “Who?” It couldn’t be Shade since her stepfather had no idea what was happening to her at work. She planned to keep it that way.

Wait.Romeo had better not have tipped Shade off?—