Smith’s eyebrows jerked up his forehead. “You think I have that kind of power?”
Maddie thought so. That was the whole reason she kept working for this motherfucker, so it had to be true. She wouldn’t continue to torture herself if it wasn’t. Unless he’d been running his mouth, and it was all a damn lie.
Narcissists did tend to lie often.
“Don’t you? Didn’t you just brag about having friends in high places?”
Smith’s mouth dropped open. “I meant in law enforcement.”
“Here you are lyin’ to me again, Roge,” Romeo said in a very low tone.
Did the asshole turn even more lily white? Good.
“Why do you think she’s good enough for them to hire?”
“You sayin’ she sucks at her job? You keep her on, so that sounds like another fuckin’ lie. Don’t like liars, Roge.”
“My name is Roger.”
“Don’t like your name bein’ shortened? Well, neitherdoes Maddie.” Romeo drilled a finger into his chest. “Don’t call her Mad again. Last warning.”
“I’m done with this conversation. You didn’t do Madison any favors by having it.”
“Once you lay your head down on your pillow tonight, Roge, I’m sure you’ll go over this conversation in your head and realize what you need to do. So, do it.”
Smith shook his head and when he went to escape, Romeo didn’t stop him this time. Instead, he remained where he stood and watched Smith power walk to his prissy sports car.
One side of Romeo’s mouth pulled up after witnessing Smith looking back over his shoulder several times.
As soon as Smith got into his cage and sped away, Romeo’s lips pursed.
That didn’t go quite as planned. Did he get his message across? Or did he just fuck shit up for Maddie?
And if he did, who would regret it more?
Chapter Thirty
The second Maddiestepped through the door at Smith’s Sports Therapy & Rehab Center to get her daily dose of verbal abuse, Maribeth called her over to the receptionist desk.
“Do I have a new patient?” If so, Romeo better not have sent another Knight with a fake injury.
The receptionist shook her head. “Unfortunately, no. Roger wants to see you immediately in his office.”
Her stomach lurched and she hoped the oatmeal she ate for breakfast didn’t make a reappearance. “Did he say why?”
Maribeth quickly masked her expression. That wasn’t promising. “No. He only told me that you need to go see him before your first patient arrives.”
“He’s in early,” Maddie murmured, glancing toward the back of the building. Where Roger’s office was. Where the miserable man waited.
The receptionist’s eyebrows rose. “Tell me about it. He was here before I even opened this morning.”
Holy shit.That was not a good sign. Roger never came in early. He usually strode in whenever he damn well pleased.
But him demanding that she come to his office first thing...
She quickly ran over all the patients she worked with yesterday in her mind. As well as everything she said to them and her co-workers. She must have done something wrong. Only, she didn’t know what.