She blinked and seemed to be really seeing everything for the first time since she’d started that little panic attack.
“Oh, right. Okay. When you get back, I- I probably should get back.”
That had me stopping midstep.
“No.” I looked over at Cali. “You tackle her if she tries to leave.”
She smirked at me. “You got it, oh pierced one. But I won’t lie. I think I respect Daisy a whole lot more knowing that she took some decorated cock. Also, put in a good word for me with X and?—”
“Not a fucking chance, sparky. Not a chance,” X’s voice echoed down the narrow hall and at least that made Daisy smile.
“Daisy, stay here and don’t turn on your phone.”
She suddenly looked around.
“Don’t go looking for it. You won’t find it. Sit, eat, and talk to these two about anything but my cock.”
I hadn’t realized what kind of tension had settled inside of my fucking gut until she stuck out her tongue and finally said something rational.
“I’ve never had girl talk before, so if they want to know?—”
My finger on her lips shut her up, but truthfully I didn’t even know how to respond so I turned and pretended like I didn’t have a damn thing to worry about, at least until I had to talk to my brothers.
No sooner had the door closed than Cas punched the bag in front of him before turning back to me.
“You not only fucked senator fuck-sticks daughter, you knowingly kidnapped a judges fiancée? Great choice on your first girl to bring home, Zeiden.”
I scratched at my pec, highly uncomfortable with the energy in this place.
“To be fair, I didn’t know any of those things when I let her come with me. She wasn’t on any of the lists of probable guests.Shit, even the system I hacked didn’t have her listed. It’s like she was an afterthought.”
Cas was pacing, which was usually my move. So this was going well. Xander on the other hand?
“Where’s the popcorn when I need it? For once it’s not my ass in the hot seat. Shit, Zeid. Who knew all that pent up sexual tension would just explode like that? Told you those piercings wouldn’t keep your schlong dormant for long.”
There was a split second of thought before I threw a punch straight at him. He ducked, but I still landed a rebound hook to his gut.
“Fucking hell, you two. Stop it. Zeiden, what the fuck man? You’re our goddamn glue.” Cas ran his hands through his hair, leaving it sticking up all over the place. “Look. I’m fucking stoked you finally found someone that interests you. Shit. I wasn’t sure you’d ever trust anyone again after, well, after you know who. But this isn’t good.”
He paced some more and then he and Xander both looked at me.
“Wait. Did you say the new judge? Like the replacement for good old Sanders?” Cas said, finally putting two and two together.
I nodded and took a seat on a bench, loading up some weights. Kill two birds with one stone I guess.
“Yes. Exactly what I mean. Seems a bit strange that the replacement is an under-qualified prick that might have planned for a family tie here.”
For a few more minutes there was nothing but the sounds of weights and grunts as we all worked through our thoughts.
“And she is not a pawn in whatever plan you’re thinking up?” X asked, coming up behind me, spotting me.
He started dancing on his feet like the well-trained fighter he was. Thinking. We were damn good at thinking on our feet.
“Alright. Alright. Sure seems like all roads are pointing to a giant rat. At least a murdering judge rat anyway.” X took to the wall for some pushups and I stopped punishing myself with the bench press.
“But here’s a few more pieces you need to slide into place. One brother died with some dealings with the Vipers. The other? A detective that was recently killed and gangs are suspected.”