That seemed to get Cas’s attention as he walked over to a small computer I kept in here for a myriad of reasons, one being if a thought struck, we could google the shit out of it. Just like he did now, pulling up a photo result on the tv.
“Mother fucking coincidence. Senator Ashford’s brother was the late Detective Eric Fuller.”
X chuckled. “No shit. I see the family resemblance now. I mean, more so when he wasn’t in that coma and shit. Huh. Well, Zeid, send my condolences to your future father-in-law. Had I known that, I might have made the death a bit more, painful.”
I heard the tone and processed the words, but really all I wanted to focus on was that shit might be coming together.
“I want to run some comparisons on photos from the last show we had at Enigma and last night’s party. Try and see if I can get any matches on build types, chin structures, walks, and mannerisms. It will take a while, but I have a hunch Daddy here is, at the very least, trying to do exactly what he’s promised. Silence the gangs.”
“This is the last time I wear this suit for anything except Enigma. Mental note, get better choices brought to the penthouse.”
No one was listening to me. This was just one of those times I needed to verbally process my shit. It had been twenty-four hours, and although Rylee and Cas had been back to our home and Xander had helped with a few typical business issues, I was starting to go stir crazy. Pain. I needed to feel pain… or at least inflict it on someone else.
I needed something before I hurt Daisy.
She walked out of my room wearing a form-fitting black dress that we’d ordered from some fancy department store and had delivered. I wasn’t letting her out of my sight. The way that dress hugged her hips. Damn. I had to take about thirty deep breaths as I watched her breasts in the dress.
“That dress looks good on you.”
She smiled up at me as she walked toward me, slowly, like I was some kind of spooked animal.
I nodded and repeated the same. “Yeah.”
She had heels on today, ones that brought her up to my chin and almost to my nose when she stood on tiptoes.
“It would look better on the floor, don’t you think?”
And just like that, my damn pants were too fucking tight.
I swallowed and reigned in my crazy. Too bad I was no match for her when she slid her hand over my pants, hard enough that my cock was trying its best to get through the fabric, ready for his reward.
“You know, Zeiden, that, uh, I can feel those piercings right here.”
I bit my lower lip hard.
I couldn’t get out any other damn words. That was it. Me. Mr. Articulate.
“Yeah. And you know what else?”
I kept my hands clenched at my sides.
“I forgot to order any panties for this dress, and you know, since I, uh, I’m yours and all, maybe you should stop whatever this little vow of celibacy is and fuck me before I have to go bury my uncle.”
My goddamn mouth went dry. My heart sped up to marathon-runner worthy and shit.
“Fuck, dove. I’ve been trying to be good. Let you rest.”
She grabbed the tie that I had yet to finish putting on, and I followed her because I was a damn idiot.
“I’m done resting,” she said, pulling me toward my room. I had no idea if my brothers were out here. I had no idea if either of my sisters were sitting here watching this shit. I couldn’t come up with one clever reason why I shouldn’t just give her what she wanted.
“Daisy, we need to go or we will be late.” There, that was logical.