He groaned. “Fucking days.”
I dragged my teeth over my lower lip. “Days.” Each hour felt like they’d multiplied exponentially.
Every kiss at the hospital had been a breathless moment away from the breaking point.
It should be here.
I wanted to hear the ocean at our backs as he drove himself inside me. I wanted to be the rocks to his waves. I could take anything he gave me.
I twisted one hand into the collar of his sweater and dragged him down to my mouth. My other hand pumped his cock. His kiss wasn’t gentle. It was open-mouthed, salty, and cold.
But only for a moment.
Then it was nothing but heat. His hands raced under my layers of cotton and flannel. I hissed as his cold fingers found my breast. He cupped me and plucked at my puckered tip—one, then the other until I was straining to keep my own rhythm on his cock.
“Had to be when we were wearing a hundred layers,” he muttered against my mouth.
I pulled my hand out of his jeans and licked my palm before I returned to my stroking. “Just move the essentials. You’re a clever boy.”
“There’s no boy here.”
I smiled as he jerked my layer of lycra free of my jeans. He pushed up all four layers and latched his lips to my nipple as his busy hand traveled downward. Cold fingers slid unerringly into my panties, then between my lips.
I cried out as he filled me with two, then three fingers and a busy thumb. “Come,” he said against my nipple.
Even though I was eager, I didn’t think I was quite that ready, but his thumb circled my clit with an accuracy that could have made him millions.
But he was mine.Mine.
“Yours,” he muttered against my breast.
I must have said it aloud.
Right now, I didn’t care. All I could focus on was breathing as the waves behind us crashed and echoed in my head. The fuzz of gasps, the twinge of pain as I moved my ankle wrong, the instant recovery because my body only understood pleasure right now.
He sucked my nipple so hard, then he let it pop free from his mouth as I strained and arched for him. His fingers were relentless. Thrusting, twisting, circling until I soaked his hand.
I arched back over the jagged stones at my back. Lifting my bad leg, he hooked my knee over his hip. He ground against my thigh with his cock as his fingers drove me crazy. Then his hand clamped lightly around my throat.
I squeezed him with my thigh because I had to slip my hand free from his cock to hold on to the rock above my head.
There was nothing but heat now. The cold was drowned out by Blake.
As it should be.
The waves and greedy gulls above masked my screams. The gunmetal gray sky blurred and sparkled as I came for him. Always for him. A fever I never wanted to burn out.
Before I could get my bearings, he hauled me off the incline and spun me around.
There was a moment of absolute cold as he stripped down my jeans, and then it was the slap of his skin against my ass. His cock split me in two. He dragged my arms up to the rock wall above before he jerked my jacket closed in front so I wouldn’t be scraped to hell, and then he let loose.
The blunt head of his cock scraped along my center, and his shaft filled me until there was nothing but the elements and Blake—who was a force of nature in his own right.
He was as gentle as he could be with my bad leg, but both of us were lost to the rending strokes. Our absolute fucking ended in a loving so fierce and life-affirming that I sobbed out his name because there was nothing else I could do.
Overwhelmed, I collapsed against the rock wall. A long stone became my handle as Blake pinned me, his breathing harsh in my ear as he flexed against me. The heat of his release was like a brand, even through the latex.
“Grace,” he said against my neck. Again and again, until there was nothing but the foaming lace of the tide curling around our ankles.