I tried to push myself up with the rock and it broke away. I stumbled, but he caught me around the waist.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” I sagged against the wall, propping myself up by my shoulder instead. “Stupid rock crumbled.”
“One too many slaps from the ocean.”
I grinned. “Or a very energetic man named Blake.”
He removed the condom and wrapped it in a handkerchief he produced from his pocket. Then he tucked himself away and zipped his jeans. “Very funny.”
It took a little more wiggling for me to get the denim up over my cold skin.
He brushed away the sand and shale with a frown. “I think there’s something in here.”
I pulled down my shirts. “No.”
Blake nodded. He reached in and came out with a zipped plastic baggie.
I snatched it out of his hands, then I shook off the sand and salt. “Is that…”
“A memory stick,” Blake finished for me. “Did any water get into the bag?”
“I can’t tell.”
He unzipped the upper pocket of my parka and tucked it inside before re-zipping it. He pushed his wet hair back, then he scooped me up. “Why don’t we go check?”
I hung on as his long strides ate up the beach.
Talk about zero to one-twenty.
“If you fall and break our necks now, I’m going to haunt your ass forever.”
He just kissed my forehead and kept on going.
Chapter Thirteen
It’s not going to dry out any faster if you shake it.
Istuck my tongue out at the vicinity of Blake’s office, then I returned the little plastic dish to my desk. To be on the safe side, we’d put the memory stick in rice to make sure no moisture would destroy what was on it.
Did you finish that account yet? You’re too slow today.
It’s already in your folder. You like when I go slow.
My cheeks flamed. No way was I answering that message.
When I looked up, Jack was staring at me.
“Are you dirty messaging the boss?”
“No.” I minimized the window.
“Uh-huh.” Jack leaned his hip on my desk. “Since we have that late meeting tonight, we figured on ordering dinner. Do you want Thai or a sandwich from Mancini’s?”