I closed the chatbox. There were several more dings. I ignored them, but guilt crept in, distracting me. Was he being taken advantage of? It didn’t feel like it; more like he was trying to cover his ass, but what about my ass? Ugh.
My chat dinged three more times and I glared at the computer.
It dinged again.
“Oh, my god, will you please go away,” I said aloud, and threw my pen at the computer screen. I leaned backward and rubbed my eyes.
When I opened them, I saw a movement at the corner of my desk. Jackson stood there, his phone in hand. His light eyes were stony, and he left without a word.
I glanced at my computer screen, something in my gut not sitting well, and opened WorkHub. There, staring back at me, were several new messages.
All from Jackson Rhodes.
I banged the heel of my palm against my forehead.
I opened the pop-up for the chat and read through his messages.
How are you this morning?
Kat said you were restless last night. If you need anything, let me know.
She’s ordering from Fresh Direct and is asking if you need anything?
Are you getting these? I’m here if you need to unload.
I walked to his office and knocked on the frame of the open door.
“Hey,” I said with a tentative smile. “I didn’t mean to—”
“Don’t worry about it.”
He sat at his desk in a short-sleeved white linen button-down shirt and dark skinny jeans. His biceps strained the rolled cuffs impressively.
“No. I wasn’t ignoring—” I tried again.
“Forget it.”
“Let me finish.” I raised my voice.
Jackson sat back and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I didn’t know those messages were from you. I didn’t even read them until I saw you at my desk looking all injured and pissed off. I—”
“I wasn’t injured.”
“Whatever. I’m trying to explain,” I said exasperated. My emotions were still out of whack, and for some reason, I was taking my stress out on Jackson. “Some other guy was being an annoying ass earlier. I thought he was still hounding me and I was ignoring him.”
Jackson’s jaw tensed and he leaned forward. “Not that guy from last night. Chip?”
“No.” I stepped fully into his office. “But his sister emailed this morning and asked what happened.”
“Did you tell her?” Jackson rounded his desk and put his hand out for me to sit on the sofa.
There were stacks of papers on the cushions and he quickly moved them out of the way. All over his office were neat piles of documents, folders, and law reviews.