“I haven’t responded yet.”
“You need to tell her.” He rested on the arm of the sofa, his eyebrows pinched together.
It felt like an out-of-body experience being in his office, talking about intimate details of my life. Yesterday, I didn’t think he knew my name. I knew who he was, of course. Every hetero woman and gay man had noticed Jackson Rhodes.
He was the cliché of a tall, dark-haired, handsome brooding male. When I first met him, I’d done what every single woman would’ve done: I looked at his left ring finger. The moment I saw it, I filed him in the hot but hands-off category.
The news that he was single added a whole other layer of surrealness to the encounter, and yet, I felt an ease in his presence that surprised me.
“I’ll tell her,” I assured Jackson.
I had no intention of telling Winona.
“Why do I get the feeling you’re lying?” He raised an eyebrow.
“If anyone’s lying, it’s you,” I shot back, annoyed that he’d guessed the truth.
“What do you mean?” Jackson asked.
I hadn’t meant to say that.
“Nothing. I didn’t mean anything.” I picked at the edge of my bandages on my shoulder, avoiding his eyes.
“Tell me. How am I lying?”
I dropped my hands. “I don’t think you’re helping me out of the goodness of your heart. You’re doing it because you think it’ll impress your wife… ex-wife, whatever.”
He stood, his face hardening. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m sorry.” I looked down at my manicured nails. I’d thought about Jackson’s motivations while I readied that morning, and it made sense that part of the reason he was so eager to help me was to impress his ex.
Jackson sank back onto the arm of the sofa, and I took that as a sign that he’d forgiven me for the outburst.
“I still think you should tell his sister,” he said softly.
“I don’t know her that well. We don’t hang out. What good would it do anyway? He’s her brother. Blood’s thicker than water and all that. Besides, it’s my problem. Let me handle it.”
Jackson put his hands up. “You’re right.”
“Thanks.” I exhaled and stared at the cream rug.
“What should I tell Kat about the order?” Jackson stood, and I followed suit.
“Oh. She doesn’t need to order anything for me.”
The dreams I’d had about him skittered across my mind and I blushed, remembering the impressive outline of his cock. My gaze fell to his crotch and when I looked up he’d followed my gaze.
We both blushed, and he shoved his hands through his hair, shifting his hips sideways. I scooted toward the door.
“Kat’s getting food for you no matter what, so you might as well let her get stuff you like.”
“I’m not a charity case.” I bristled, embarrassed I was caught staring at his dick.
“Kat’s love language is giving. Let her.”
I stopped mid-stride. Jackson Rhodes knew about the love languages? Selena and I had taken the quiz online. Quality time was my love language. It probably had something to do with my dad, who’d sent me plenty of gifts but never spent any time with me.
“Alright,” I said. “I’ll text you a few items. Send me Kat’s Venmo.”