Page 50 of Game Changer


Pulling up in front of the veterinary clinic, I try slowing down the high I’m riding on over Cupcake’s claiming. I am not sure most people look at life the way I do and may find themselves offended by the fact I can be happy and devastated at the same time. You celebrate victories no matter the weather, or you might as well not even play the game.

I have two points for the home team to give my little flower tonight when we do our evening Boone report. Three, if you count, Lindsey is holding steady. Everything Sally told me says that’s a step in the right direction.

I open the door, slide out of the vehicle, and head in.

“Hey, Miss Phoebe, how’s our Bossy girl doing?” I ask as I walk toward the reception desk.

“She’s been such a good girl, the poor dear.”

“I’d have stopped in yesterday, but the doc said best to let her sleep.”

She nods as she stands and rounds the desk, arms wide open and gives me a hug. “How are you, Beau?”

“Appreciate that hug, truly,” I admit. “My little flowers got a fever, and your stunning niece sequestered her above Sugar Rush so I don’t get sick and spread it to Linds or lose the Knights the playoffs.”

She steps back and looks up at me, biting back a smile. “My stunning niece truly has a big heart.”

“Can I tell you a secret, Miss Phoebe?”

“I would love to hear a secret.” Her eyes widen.

“Sydney came to Lily and my rescue today when Lindsey’s parents showed up demanding to see her and threatened them to go after custody.”

“Well, I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

“I will agree with you on that, but what I didn’t expect is that she lay claim to us both right there on Main Street in Blue Valley, inside Sugar Rush.”

“She what?” Phoebe laughs.

“She did. Ask her daddy if you must.” I smile and cross my arms. “Do you know what happened next?”

She leans in, eyes growing bigger, just like my little flower’s do when I’m telling her a story.

“I claimed her, too.”

“Like, you two are dating?”

“Who’s dating?” comes from one of the hallways, and a dirty blond-haired guy steps out.

I hold out my hand. “Beau Boone. I know you’re a Ross, but which one?” I shake my head. “There are so many of you.”

He shakes my hand. “Remington.”

“Badass name.”

He throws his arm around Phoebe. “Mom did good.”

“You’re one of the three in charge of the additional security at Legacy Field?”

“That I am.” He nods. “Now, who’s dating who?”

“Oh dear,” Phoebe whispers.

“Gonna take that as a hint that Remington isn’t gonna like that I am pursuing the incredible Sydney Sparks?” I ask just to put it out there.

I hear a growl, and then a crazy-ass amount of yipping, and I squat down. “And there’s my Bossy girl.” I let her lick the hell out of my face as I pet her and laugh when Phoebe jumps back to avoid getting whipped by the dog’s tail that is definitely a weapon at times like these.