Page 51 of Game Changer

“So you and your baby momma are?—”

“Lily was conceived in a most unconventional way,” I cut Remington off and look up at Liam and him. “Our best friends from college and we, uh, had a few too many drinks one night. A few months later, actually, the next time we spoke more than two sentences to each other, she told me she was pregnant, and it was mine and not the boy she had just broken up with. She told me I didn’t need to be involved, and I told her my momma didn’t raise a man to walk away.” I rest my forehead against Bossy’s. “We gave it the old college try, then there were three years of her parents’ threats. Bottom line, I love Lindsey like an Amish boy loves his sister that one time, if you know what I’m saying.”

“What?” Liam gasps.

Remington laughs, and Phoebe palms her face, shoulders shaking.

“The shrink we see liked that better than Kentucky siblings. Lindsey said stepsiblings.” I run a hand through my hair as I stand. “We’ve been doing therapy sessions on Zoom. We knew it wasn’t going to be a traditional family. Guess it took me a beat longer to wrap my head around that. Just wanted better for Lily, but as Lindsey has said on repeat, we never loved each other in that way, and Lily deserves to witness that kind of love. And, Godwilling, Lindsey will be able to experience it, too.” I feel my eyes get hot. “Fuck, it’s been a day or two, yeah?”

“How about you come inside and have dinner with us?” Phoebe offers.

“I need to get Bossy back to Skan, get in touch with Lucas about the vehicle, and?—”

“CJ and Matthew are diving into the cell history,” Remington states.

“Can anyone dig into socials? I have a few theories banging around inside my head.”

“I know she’s on the Gram.” Liam clears his throat, and all eyes swing to him. “She sent me a message to the clinics, asking about dog trainers in the area. We exchanged a few messages, and she was going to contact a man in ’Cuse.”

“Linds was going to take Bossy to a trainer?” I ask for clarification since that’s not a Lindsey thing to do.

“She mentioned needing something to do when Lily was in school.”

“She mention anything else?” I ask.

He considers me for a moment.

“Not being a dick, Doc. I’m glad she’s making friends. I just have a lot of questions bouncing around in here. Why was she out that late? A Georgia girl on shit roads at night. She never drives at night. The tires? None of that shit makes any sense.”

“Can you think of anyone who would want to injure her?” Remington asks.

“What? Hell no. Her parents are fucked, but I don’t think they’d set out to hurt her, not something like this, anyway. and they weren’t here; they just showed up today with her ex-fiancé,” I grumble. “Fucking dork.” I look back at Remington. “You know something? Suspect something?”

“I know if there is someone, then Syd and Lily should be watched over, and they will be.”

“I have no problem being that for my girls.”

“The old firehouse,” he states.

“Across the road from Sugar Rush.” I nod.

“That’s where the guys and I are staying.Ourgirls are good.”

“I’d still love to stop in and …” I stop when my text spouts off and pull my phone from my pocket.


Dr. Davis will be here at 6 a.m. to attempt to remove the vent. One of the brothers, Mitchell, is here sleeping in the waiting room now. He’s not been problematic. If I were a betting man, he’d be the one in that cult-like crew I’d bet on being the most helpful for Lindsey.


Thank you, Joel. Question. Is Lindsey’s older medical information in her online file? I am specifically looking for any hospitalizations.


I will look into it.
