I extract the bra and set it on my lap. Jacob clucks his tongue, takes it off me, and sets it on the table for all to see. I don’t know why it’s so embarrassing after everything else he’s done, but somehow, it is. My face heats to match my ass, and my shoulders slump. I’m sulking, and I don’t care who knows it.
Jacob’s hand lands on my knee, tracing a gentle pattern over the skin. The soft touch, after so much harshness, is almost too much. I want to slap his hand away and lean my head on him in equal measure.
He bends his head down to mine. “There. Did you get what you wanted?” An echo of the voice in my head during the punishment. “Just had to make a scene, didn’t you?”
“I just wanted a damn drink.” It comes out all pouty. God, he’s right. I am a brat.
“Uh huh.” Jacob’s fingers move higher up my thigh.
My legs are still tied shut, and he pauses at my tightly pressed knees. Conversation has resumed around us, though I’m surepeople are still looking at me. I’m not going to lift my head. I’ll stare at this table until we’re all dead.
The arrival of dessert provides a distraction, and people start making appreciative noises. I risk a glimpse up to see the waiter bringing out a tray of amazing ice cream sundaes. I’ll give them this—although the setting for this dinner is a total snooze-fest, the food is fun. The Jell-O shots were a big surprise. Shame I only got to have one.
Each sundae is about as big as my head, heaped with chunks of brownie, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and a few different flavors of ice cream. I have a sweet tooth, but this thing is ridiculous. Though itwouldbe the perfect thing to eat in bed to drive Jacob crazy.
The screaming pain in my ass is a reminder not to try that any time soon.
I’m too distracted by the ice cream to realize what Jacob is doing until the belt falls away from my ankles, freeing my legs. Then his damn hand is back. He’s pushing my thighs apart with his right while simultaneously starting on his dessert with his left. Multi-fucking-talented.
I squish my knees together and whisper to him, “What the hell are you doing?”
His return whisper is gravelly and full of heat. “Open those legs if you don’t want to end up back over the table whilst I do this in front of everyone. No one can see my hand, but everyone can see your face. So shut up, keep smiling, and eat your fucking ice cream.”
Hands shaking, I pull the giant sundae toward me as I force myself to relax my thighs. Eating. Eating is good, because people are less likely to talk to me. They probably won’t after what they just witnessed, but the less chance I give them, the better.
I take a spoonful of the chocolaty concoction, the sweetness hitting my tongue just as Jacob’s fingers scrape along mypanties, right over my clit. My body reacts, and at this point, I don’t know if it’s in spite of the pain and humiliation or because of it.
Jacob has total control of my orgasms and isn’t very goddamn generous about handing them out, so I’m always ready at the slightest touch. Like my body sees the opportunity and isn’t going to waste it, whatever the circumstance.
I take tiny spoonfuls of the sundae, careful not to meet anyone’s gaze, as his fingers play. His nails scrape back and forth over the magic spot slowly, and in seconds, he’s driving me mad. Christ. My cheeks, already burning from the punishment, have to be pure scarlet now. And the whole time, Jacob is yakking away with some random guy.
Something is wrong with that man.
He slips his fingers inside my panties just as Kendrick dings a spoon on his glass. Fuck. I have to look at him. Not doing so would just draw more attention. He’s smiling, looking around the group with satisfaction, and I think I even detect a hint of amusement when his eyes rest on me.
Great. My embarrassment even managed to entertain the World’s Most Serious Man. Jacob’s fingers are probing inside me now, moving easily because I’m so damn wet. They’re thick and rough, and God, I love the rasp of them over my sensitive skin. He returns to my clit, gliding over it with firm strokes that have me clutching my sundae glass in a white-knuckled grip.
It feels too good. The pressure is growing in my insides, the delicious buildup to release. But he’s moving too slow to let it happen, and I know he’s doing it on purpose. The bastard. The pain from my ass only adds to the unbearable need.
Kendrick speaks. “I’m sure you’ve all enjoyed the evening so far. Especially the entertainment.” There’s a ripple of laughter, and I stare back at the table, feeling the burn of eyes on me.
“As a side note, if any of you young Brothers are having issues disciplining your Wards, I’d suggest you speak to Jacob for tips. He’s taken on a very difficult task with his Quinn and is taming her admirably. I have no doubt she’ll be well prepared for the ceremony.”
Christ on a motherfucking bike. Every time I think things can’t get worse, they do. Is it possible to die of humiliation? I’m sure it must be. I try to imagine myself as a superhero punching Kendrick in the face and knocking him through the wall, but it doesn’t work. Jacob’s fingers are stealing any minor resistance I might have had left.
“Anyway, at the risk of this feeling like one of those dreadful corporate retreats, I’d like to go around the room and have each Brother tell us a little about your work. Recent successes, current frustrations. After all, the advancement of science is why we are all here. Let’s take the time to acknowledge it.”
Seriously? Even in a cult, he wants to have an “introduce yourself to the group” session? This place gets weirder every day. I try to listen, but most of the sciency discussion goes over my head, and I can’t focus anyway with the way Jacob is playing me like a goddamn violin.
The throbbing in my ass has passed to my clit, melding with the beating of my heart and the relentless movement of his fingers. I’m dripping with need and probably have a wet patch on my skirt. It’s too much, and I want to beg Jacob to just let me finish, but I can’t. And it wouldn’t do me any good anyway. If he wants me to come, I will.
Because he owns me. He fucking owns me, and what that truly means is sinking in more and more each second.
The round-robin reaches Jacob, and the man doesn't miss a beat, keeping his fingers moving as he discusses telomeres, decay rates, and DNA. He even thanks Eve for her assistance, which draws a nod from Kendrick. “Glad to hear it. In theBrotherhood, we never let talent go to waste. Now, Hadrian, what have you been working on?”
This, at least, I can follow. Hadrian talks about Candice, her increasing ability to function as a human, and her developing emotions. Then, to my absolute blackest pit of horror, he gestures to me. “Quinn has been a huge help this last week. So many people are unsettled by my creations, but she enjoys spending time with them. Don’t you?”
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.