Please, please, please, Jacob. Stop for a moment.
He doesn’t.
Everyone is watching me, polite smiles on their faces. I clear my throat and try to talk without it turning into a squeak. “Erm. Yes. I’ve spent a lot of time with Candice. She’s a good friend.”
Kendrick’s eyes sharpen. “A friend?”
Fuck everything under the sun, but now Kendrick’s attention is one hundred percent on me. Jacob, the absolute bastard that he is, pinches my clit between his fingers in the way he knows I love more than anything else. It almost happens. I almost crash into an orgasm right as Kendrick and everyone else are focused on me.
It takes everything I have to hold it off and answer. “Yes. She’s funny and interesting. You should spend some time with her yourself and get to know her.”
He nods. “Thank you, Quinn. Perhaps I will. Now, Brian, what do you have for us?”
My body relaxes as the attention leaves me, and Jacob’s fingers finally, finally speed up. I bite my lip and grip the sundae glass as pleasure explodes through every part of me, so intense I want to scream it out to the world. My head feels like it’s going to explode from the effort of holding it in.
I shudder, Jacob’s fingers thrust into me, and my body clamps onto them tightly as my breath comes in ragged little pants.Gradually, the high fades as Brian drones on about something with a lot of math involved. That was terrible. And amazing. Both things at once.
As my brain gradually comes back online, I realize my nipples are hard points, very obvious through the crop top, and my ass is really starting to hurt. Jacob’s hand disappears, leaving me free to squirm on my seat to relieve the pressure.
I look at him and find he’s watching me with a knowing smile on his face. He leans close to whisper, “You’ll thank me for that later, from your knees.”
I splutter. “Thank you?”
“Yes. It was—” His phone buzzes. No, not just his. Every phone in the room, by the sound of it.
Kendrick’s expression turns serious. “The emergency function.” He snatches his own phone from his suit pocket.
I crane over to see what Jacob is staring at on his screen. It’s a video of a burning house.
Jacob’s face pales, and his fist clenches tight on the phone. “That’s Grandad’s house. Kendrick, tell the Gilda to get the chopper ready, and call those fuckwits that are supposed to be guarding him. Have a team meet me at the helipad.”
He races from the room without a backward glance.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Those useless fucks. IfGrandad is hurt, I’ll kill them. I race toward the helipad, the food I ate roiling in my stomach. I can’t lose Grandad. If I do, I’ll—
Stop it. Don’t think about it. He’ll be fine.
I wish I could believe it.
Wonder of wonders, the helicopter is ready by the time I reach the pad, rotors spinning. Three armed Gilda are already inside when I jump in.
I strap in as the chopper takes off. The engine roar drills into my ears as we rise. One of the soldiers hands me a headset, and I put it on, cutting the roar to a background buzz. I hold out my hand. “Weapon.”
He presses an MP-5 into my hand. We’ll land right behind Grandad’s place—the supported living houses back onto a field. I chose the spot partially for that reason.
It’s a short flight, but it feels a million hours long. Just as we’re coming in to land, a communication signal beeps in my ear. I answer.
“Mr. West, sir? It’s Lieutenant Davis. I’m in charge of keeping your grandfather secure. He’s safe. I’ve got him here. We’ll—”
“Give me that fuckin’ thing, will ya? Right. What’s going on, my boy? These tosspots you’ve got watching me just pulled me right out of bingo. Has something happened?”
He was at the pub.
He was at the fucking pub.