“So… You aren’t leaving then? You’re not going to…” She chewed her lip, looking up at me anxiously. “Quit?”
“I’m not quitting. Don’t worry.”
“But—” Elsie started hotly.
“I thought, I don’t know, maybe for a second I would. But I like it here… And Ren convinced me otherwise.” I raised an eyebrow at the vampire. “Didn’t you tell her?”
Ren's sinful smile told me she’d done nothing of the sort, replying airily, “Must’ve slipped my mind.”
Elsie sighed, her silvery brows drawn together. “Okay.”
“What is it?”
“She’s jealous,” Dana said instantly, taking a sip of coffee.
“What?” I asked.
“Juniper and Ren both got to be with you when you needed someone,” she continued like it was obvious. “And me, for the record.”
“Stop, Dana!” Elsie moaned, covering her face with her hands, slightly obscured by her paper cup. “It's not like that at all! I don’t care about… Okay, hang on, it’s not that I don’t care. I just…Ugh! I just want to spend time with you. That's all.”
Unbearably cute, really.
Elsie’s earnest expression, paired with her obvious discomfort at vocalising her wants made me smile.
“Well, why don’t you come over?” I offered. “We can have a girls' night. You all can come. I’ll ask Blondie, Juniper, and Babydoll too.”
“Really?” Elsie asked. “I didn’t think you’d want… Never mind. Yes! I would love to come over.”
“Okay,” Dana agreed. “It’ll be fun. Though, Cole? Doesn’t really fit forgirls’night, Vi.”
“Cole can be a girl for a day if he wants,” I said with a shrug. “Saturday? After work?”
“Sorry, Pet,” Ren said, shaking her head. “I have a date with Juniper. Why don’t we make plans for the three of us another time?”
“Sounds good,” I said. “We still have the game on Sunday anyway, right?”
“Absolutely. Did you invite Danny?”
“Yes, and they wanted me to tell you you’re their favourite.”
Dana gasped, mock scandalized. “After all the legwork I put in?”
“I know,” I said, patting her hand empathetically. “Life isn’t fair.”
Elsie hopped up, seeming adequately cheered up with solid plans on the calendar. “I gotta go get ready, but I’ll see you for lunch? Our usual time?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” I said, accepting her offered kiss and then stealing another. “Have a good show, Princess.”
Her returning smile was blinding before she stopped at Dana and Ren for a quick kiss, tossing, “See you later!” over her shoulder as she hopped up onto the stage to disappear behind the curtain.
Juniper took her place, accepting the last coffee from Ren’s tray.