Page 104 of Bite Marks

I forced an awkward smile to my face that I hoped was at least a little convincing. “Don’t worry about it.”

“He won’t be back, and we’re in the process of hiring a couple of extra guys to work the floor. Make sure you girls are safe in there while Dana or I are busy.”

Affection flickered for Nick, this big, burly vampire with a bad attitude, so clearly concerned. Already taking actionable steps in order to make sure the situation wouldn’t have a sequel.

“Oh, uh… Thank you, Nick,” I said, the words coming a little stiffly from my tongue in my surprise. “That would be really great.”

To drive the point home, and partially because I was curious how he’d react, I shook off Ren’s arm to give him a tight squeeze, the heavy, smoky scent of his cologne washing over me as we embraced.

He patted my back, at least half as awkwardly as I expected.

“You have a good night, Striker. And if you have any problems, call me right away.”

I pulled back, offering him a little wave as I made my way down the stairs. “You got it! Hope it doesn’t rain anymore.”

“You and me both,” Nick returned with a smile that showed off his long, pointed fangs.

Ren caught my hand as I opened the door, leading us through it and into the coat check area—blissfully empty, as the club wouldn’t open for another couple of hours—and into the main club.

“Vi!” Elsie gasped as we appeared from the heavy double doors, her crimson eyes full of relief.

Ren wisely divested me from my flat white as Elsie made a too-fast-to-be-human beeline for me, our bodies colliding with a softoof.

“I’m so happy to see you,” she said, pale arms tightening around me in an overly tight hug. “I was so worried. How are you? Are you okay?”

Ren’s hands were full, leaving her to nudge Elsie with her elbow. “Give her some room, Els.”

“Oh, right. Sorry,” she said, releasing me to pull back and look at my face. “Overexcited. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I assured her, delivering a quick peck to her lips. “Men, vampire or not, always have problems withno, right?”

She pulled a face. “Hate that.”

“So do I,” I said with a shrug, pulling her coffee from the tray in Ren’s hands and offering it to her. “I’m all good, okay? I was a little shaken up, but Juniper took me home and took great care of me. And then Ren came by in the morning and I ran into Dana at the gym?—”

“She told me,” Elsie cut me off, using her free hand to take mine and lead me to one of the luxe velvet sofas near the stage. She sat down heavily, pulling me beside her with the subtle creak of springs. “Listen, I want to talk to you. June told me?—”

“Listen, Elsie,” I tried to interrupt, but she continued like I hadn’t spoken, the words half jumbling together in her rush to get them out.

“—About the dickhead vamp. I’m so sorry! And then I tried not to smother you, so I didn’t keep texting you when you didn’t reply, but I was really, really worried, Vi.”

Guilt bloomed in my stomach.

“Elsie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry. Really, it’s totally fine.”

“It's not!” she protested. “We’re supposed to keep you safe! It’s like our entire dumb, stinking job and?—”

“She’s right,” Dana interrupted, leaning over the back of the sofa to brush a kiss against my temple, making me jump.

I’d never get used to how silently they moved. I hadn’t even heard Dana’s shoes as she’d made her way over.

She set my coffee into my hand, sighing. “I should’ve been there to step in too. We’re hiring people, you know? To be on the floor during?—”

“Nick told me,” I said, putting my hand over hers where it was resting on the back of the couch. “Thank you.”

“Least we can do,” Ren said, coming to join our group.

Elsie cleared her throat sheepishly, toying with the ends of her hair with her free hand.