Page 29 of Baby Contract

“We’ll leave tomorrow, first thing.”

“What about the Yamamoto deal?” I still feel like shit about that. I wish there was some way to fix it.

“It’s a business deal.” He shrugs it off. “All that matters is that I have my family.” Carr places his hand on my stomach. “I’ll need to work less anyway. Two babies can be a lot.”

“Carr,” I whisper his name.

“What? Now that I’ve been inside you, there is no way I’ll be able to stay out.” He lifts a brow. “Do you want me to wear protection?” I shake my head no. “That’s what I thought.” A smile spreads across his face. “See, I can already read your mind. We’re like an old married couple.”

I can’t help but smile at that because I picture it in my mind. I envision him and me, along with all our children, growing old together in the future. It sounds perfect… But if I know anything, it’s that nothing ever really is.

Chapter Nineteen


The flight back to the U.S. is uneventful, but we have a surprise, and not a good one, waiting for us at home.

“The mother is here,” Errol whispers as we walk in the door.

I slide a protective arm around Addison and tighten my fist around Violet’s carrier. “You mean Megan?”

“Yes, yes.” He wrings his hands. “She showed up two days ago and demanded the baby. I said you were gone, but she wouldn’t leave. She threatened to call the FBI and report a kidnapping.”

Errol is on the verge of tears. I give him a short nod of encouragement. “I’ll take care of it. Addie, why don’t you take Violet up to the nursery? Errol, call my lawyer.”

I knock once before throwing the door to the guest room open.

Megan scrambles off the bed, spilling the glass of wine she’d been sipping while scrolling on her phone. “Shit. Look what you made me do.”

We both watch as the red wine spreads across the cream-colored satin coverlet. “I’ll put the cleaning bill on your tab.”

“The fuck you will. This is your fault.” She lifts her chin and brushes her hair over her shoulder. “Where’s my baby? I want her back.”

“You abandoned her.”

“No, I asked you to watch her for a short bit while I put my affairs in order.”

“And your affairs are now in order?”

She nods. “Right. I appreciate you watching over her, but it’s none of your concern now.”

“The baby is a McRae, so she stays with me. My lawyers are coming over with the parental termination papers. You will sign them and then leave, never to bother us again.”

“Don’t be like this, Carr. I’m sorry I named your cousin as the daddy. I thought he was, but…” She trails off with a shrug.

My heart thuds. I hadn’t considered that Megan had lied about the baby’s parentage. I’d forced Dex to get a paternity test, and then by the time the results came back, I’d already decided to keep Violet so I never looked at them. The results never mattered. Or hadn’t before.

She posts a bright smile. “The good news is I’m taking the tyke off your hands. I’m sure you’re relieved. Hope you didn’t try to sell her overseas.”

If I was prone to violence, my hands might be around Megan’s neck right now. “Gather up your things. You’re leaving.” When she doesn’t move, I stalk over to the wardrobe and toss the clothes onto the bed. Mentally I send an apology to Errol, who I’m sure hung all this stuff up. “Pack or I’ll toss the stuff in the trash. Either way, you’re gone. I don’t want to see you around when I come down for dinner.”

“The baby is mine, and you can’t keep her. It’s the law, Carr.”

“I’m the law here.” As I walk out, I text instructions to Errol and Ben. In the nursery, the baby is fussing. Addison is rubbing her face with a small cloth.

“What’s wrong?”

“She’s hot, but not so hot we need to go the hospital. I’m watching her temp. What’s going on with Violet’s mom?”