“Better than okay.” I want to live in this moment forever. I lick my lips. “You?”
“Never better.Ever.” I believe him. At this moment, things couldn’t be better. It’s only us in the hotel suite. This little makeshift family.
“Are you going to let me move then?” I tease. His hold on me is firm, but it doesn’t hurt. It’s possessive, and like everything else with Carr, it turns me on.
"What if I want to move you?" It's not really a question because the man is already doing it. He lifts me by my hips as if I'm a doll, then lowers me back down while simultaneously thrusting his hips upward, meeting in the middle. His movements allow my body to adjust to him while giving me pleasure at the same time.
"Carr," I moan. He’s now taken full control, making me fuck him, which makes it dirtier. I know he's not really making me, but that's not the point.
"You like that, baby? Me taking over?"
"Yes," I admit with another moan as he keeps doing it, finding a rhythm. It’s fucking hot watching him dominate me. I know the only reason I’m turned on by this is because I trust him.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” He groans. Carr tucks me in closer to him so that my clit grinds against his pelvic bone. There is no space between us. I don't know where he begins and I end anymore. “I’m not going to last.” His admission turns me on even more.
“Inside me?” I know it’s crazy, but I want him to come in me.
“Don’t say that,” he grits out through clenched teeth. “I’m trying not to come.” Carr closes his eyes. I love that I have him on edge. That he’s so worked up and turned on by me. “I want you with me.”
“But you want to come inside me?” The thought turns me on even more. I sense my own orgasm beginning to surge within me.
“I don’t want to. I’m going to.” He thrusts up hard, hitting the perfect spot inside of me. I feel him start to come, and he takes me right along with him. I cry out his name as the pleasure shoots through my body before exploding. I ride the wave, soaking in every second of it. I’ve never even come close to experiencing anything of this magnitude.
Carr wraps his arms around me, keeping his cock inside. I bury my face in his neck. I’m not sure how long we’re like that before he lifts me to my feet. I stand there and let him wash every inch of me. When he’s done, I do the same to him.
“What are you thinking?” he asks when he is towel-drying me off.
“That this is?—”
“Whatever we want it to be.” He lifts my hand and kisses the ring he put on it days ago.
“We’re really engaged?”
“You’ll get used to it.” He smirks. “Not that you’ll be my fiancée long. It’s already been too long.”
“It’s been five minutes!” I laugh.
“Not to me.” His eyes go soft.
"From the moment you placed it on my finger, you meant it?"
“I did.”
“It doesn’t scare you? How fast we are going?” It’s not that I have doubts about the way we feel for one another. It’s just that I’ve never done this relationship thing before. I’m already in so deep with him.
"No, but if it concerns you, consider it from this perspective. Our relationship has seen more than some couples do in a year.”
He’s not wrong there. We have been living together since day one, and we have taken care of a baby together. One that I very much think of as my own.
“I’m not worried,” I tell him. Not about the two of us. I still do worry about Violet.
I know how the system can be when it comes to these kinds of things. I’ve been in and out of it a few times. It was never long, but my mother had a few rough years. Okay, a lot of rough years, but they were always trying to shuffle me back into her home even when it was clear she wasn’t in a place to have me.
I grew attached to a few of the homes I’d been in. Attached might not be the right word, but they were lovely families and gave me a glimpse of what a real one was. Not the hot mess my mother often was. She pulled it together eventually, but it was a little too late, and a lot of the damage was done. The second I could leave for college, I did, and our communication is bare minimum.
“Good, because when we get back to the States, all bets are off.” He wraps a robe around me.
“And when is that?”