I nodded and sat down in the middle of the sofa with my legs pulled up to my chest.
Saber settled beside me and then handed me my plate. “Do you need anything else?”
I shook my head and then took a bite. “I do have a question, though.”
“Anything.” Saber took a huge bite of his pizza and then turned sideways so he was facing me. “What’s on your mind, baby boy?”
“That.” I picked at a corner of the bread and looked at him. “Why do you call me that? And what did you mean when you called yourself Daddy?”
Saber smiled. “Well, I guess it’s something I’ve always been into. I’m what you’d call a Daddy Dom.” He chuckled. “At least, that’s usually my role in sexual relationships. And the men I’m with are generally submissive and like to age regress.”
“What’s that?” I’d seen some videos with age regression, but I didn’t really understand it.
“Well, like, when I call you baby boy. How does that make you feel?”
I put the plate on the table and wrapped my arms tighter around my bent legs. “I’m not sure. A little bit confused, but then I kinda like it. It makes me feel important to you.”
He placed his hand behind my neck and held me in place. “You are important to me. So fucking important, Freddy.”
I frowned when he called me that. Not because I didn’t like the nickname but because it wasn’t the other name. “Not baby boy?”
Saber cocked his head and eyebrow at the same time. “Do you prefer baby boy?”
I shrugged again. “Maybe. I mean, I like Freddy too. You’re the only person who calls me that. But it’s not as special. Doesn’t make me feel…important to you.”
He leaned toward me and kissed my mouth. “I always want you to feel important, baby boy. And that’s why I want to be Daddy to you. Someday. I mean, if you want that too.”
“I think I do. But you’ll have to show me.”
Saber picked up my pizza and held it up for me to take a bite. “You need to eat first. Did you think about what movie you want to watch?”
I opened my mouth and let him put the pizza between my teeth, and then I took a bite. While I chewed, I answered him without any regard for manners at all. “No. You can pick. I like when you pick stuff for me.”
Sabers eyes lit up at that. “You’re such a good boy.” He kissed my temple. “Daddy loves picking out things for you.”
The more times he said it, the more it made sense to me. The inhibitions that had held me in shackles my entire life broke apart one by one. And by the time we were halfway through Charlotte’s Web, I was fully snuggled up against his side.
My penis was still hard, and the videos I’d been watching all week were front and center in my mind. The only difference was that now Saber was right next to me and he’d given me full access to his body.
I placed my hand on his stomach and then slowly moved up to his chest.
Saber was completely still, and I was afraid he would get mad, but he didn’t. He just waited as I kept sliding my hand up until it was right over his pectoral muscle. “Would you like to feel me with my shirt off?”
“Yes, please.” I moved back far enough for him to pull his shirt off. “Um, do you want me to call you Daddy?”
“I’d love that if you want to, but there’s no pressure. Do what makes you comfortable.” He placed his hand under his pec, cupping the firm skin and squeezing until a single drop of milk pooled at the tip. “Would you like to taste?”
My eyes flicked up to his face and then back to the drop. “What does it taste like?”
Saber wiped the drop off the tip of his nipple with his finger and then licked it. “Mmm, sweet. Warm.”
A shiver raced through me, and I thought I might have a little orgasm just from watching that. Nodding, I leaned forward and licked the tip. There wasn’t a drop of milk, but I still tasted a hint of sweetness.
“You watched some videos, right?” Saber rubbed the side of my hip with his strong hand.
“Yes. It helped me ejaculate.”
Saber chuckled. “I’m sure it did.” He used his other hand to hold the back of my head. “If you’d like to really get a drink, just put your mouth around the full nipple and suck. You can take as much as you want.”