He shook his head. “No, they definitely weren’t. I was one of twelve. They mostly forgot about me, and since I didn’t get married and have babies right out of college, they lost interest. And pride has never been something I felt in myself or from others. Only you.”

I slid the pizza onto his side table and held him with both hands. “Always me. You’re kind and brilliant and dedicated, and I’ve been proud of you on several occasions. You deserve so much more than you’ve experienced, but I’m here now. I want to give you everything you need, and probably things you don’t know you need but I believe you need. Will you trust me to do that, Freddy?”

He swallowed as his head went up and down. “I trust you with my life, Saber. I don’t know what’s going on with me, and I’m afraid to do something that will upset you or make you go to your uncle, but I completely trust that you know what to do. And I’d like you to just do it. Please.”

I kissed his cheek and then again a hair closer to his lips. “Let’s get this straight, once and for all. Anything we explore privately is private. Completely separate from work. I promise I’ll never share anything with my uncle or anyone else without discussing it with you first. And if things go bad, I’ll leave without ever sharing our secrets. I’m here because I want to be. No coercion or pressure from you or anyone else. What about you, Freddy? Why are you here with me now?”

“Because I think I want you. I mean, I do want you, but I don’t know what that means. Please help me, Saber.”

Fuck, he was killing me. I wanted to tear him out of his clothes and take him right there in the hallway. But we had a long night ahead of us. And I had a bag of tricks to introduce him to, if he was ready. “May I kiss you, Freddy?”

“Please, yes. Show me how.”

I hadn’t been anyone’s first kiss in a decade, but it almost felt like it would be my first kiss too. Kissing had always been an obligatory action to get to sex. It was never anything beyond that because I’d never felt anything beyond that with anyone else. But with Freddy, there was nothing obligatory about it.

It was yearning in my belly to feel how soft his lips were on mine. It was a clawing need in my heart to connect with him.

“Just close your eyes and relax.” I closed my lips around his and pulled back very slowly. Freddy didn’t move at all as I did itagain, this time dragging my tongue along his lower lip before pulling off.

Freddy opened his mouth, and when I came back toward him, his tongue poked out to meet mine in a tentative dance of soft breaths and gentle touches. His lips finally pressed fully to mine and his tongue swept inside my mouth. My grip on him tightened as I pulled him tighter against me and sucked his breath into my mouth. I wanted part of him inside of me, and I definitely wanted parts of me inside of him.

After a moment, we both pulled back to fill our lungs. I ran my fingers through Freddy’s hair and looked into his eyes, carefully watching his every expression. “You doing okay?”

“That was fun.” He smiled as his hand went down to his crotch. “And, um, arousing.”

I nodded and moved his hand to my belly, close to my cock without touching it. “For me too. Would you like to feel?”

His eyes went wide and jumped down to his hand. “Can I? I mean…is that okay?”

I kissed his forehead. “It’s okay with me. I give you full permission to touch and explore any part of my body and to ask any question that comes to mind. It’s just me and you here, sweet boy. No judgment. No pasts or parents or religion.”

Freddy nodded and then slowly moved his hand over my cock. As soon as he felt the length, he gasped and pulled his hand away. “It’s so big.”

I chuckled. “It’s so excited. You make it so big.”

“I do?” He looked up at me and then back down. “Can I touch it again?”

“Yep. Anytime. Like I said, full access.”

This time, he went straight for it, pressing the full length of his hand over my cock and molding over it. He pulled up to the tip and then finally blew out the air trapped in his lungs. “You can have full access to me too, but…I’m still figuring out what that means.”

“Don’t worry about it right now, baby.” I hugged him again and kissed the top of his head. “Daddy’s got you.”

Chapter 12


He said it again, but I was still a little hazy from actually touching his erection that I didn’t ask what he meant. I kinda didn’t care. Mostly, I wanted to try more things with Saber.

“You hungry, baby boy?” Saber held my hand and pulled me toward the kitchen. “Your cheese pizza is getting cold.”

“Yeah, I’m hungry. And cold pizza is just as good as hot.”

“Smart boy.” Saber put a slice on a plate and then held it up to me. “Want two?”

“Just one.” I suddenly felt full, like I couldn’t eat anything. “Thank you.”

Saber put a piece of garlic bread on each of our plates and grabbed an apple juice box and a can of Coke from the bag and carried everything to the couch. “Is this good?”