I startled when I heard his deep voice from across the room. I’d been doodling and shaking my leg like it was covered with ants. “Yes.”
“What’s wrong?” He closed his laptop and looked at me without standing up. “And I hope you’ll be honest with me.”
“Oh.” I closed my laptop too, unsure how to respond. I wanted to be honest, but I didn’t know what to say. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I just feel weird. Anxious or something. I’m sorry if I’m distracting you.” I glanced at my watch. “It’s almost five. We can head out early. We’ve gotten a month’s worth of work done this week. We’ve earned it.”
He nodded but stayed silent, keeping his eyes on me.
“Is there something else?”
He shrugged. “No, just waiting for a real answer to my question. Something is bothering you, and I’m wondering if it’s something I can help with. I think it might be, but I need you to use your words.”
“Use my words?” I swallowed hard and crossed my arms over my chest, not sure if I should be offended by that. I wasn’t a child. But on the other hand, I kinda appreciated that he was giving me space to express myself. “I’m not sure I have them right now. I think I want stuff, but I don’t exactly know what.” I took a deep breath and looked right at him. “And I don’t think any of it is okay to want from a subordinate.”
His lips pulled into a grin. “Okay, that’s good.” He stood up and slowly saunted to my desk. At least, I thought that slow walk with his eyes locked on mine was called sauntering. It was hard to think when he looked at me like that. “And if you’d like to explore this a little more, I’d love to have dinner with you tonight. Maybe I can pick up something and we can watch a movie at your house.”
I was nodding before he stopped right beside me, sitting on the edge of my desk. “Yes, please.”
“Then let’s get out of here. You head home and put on some comfy clothes. Pajamas or whatever you want to wear for a movie night. I’ll pick up dinner. What are you in the mood for?”
I shrugged. “Can you decide?”
He smiled and placed his hand on mine. “I was thinking of either broccoli chicken mac and cheese from Noodle Zone or pizza. Do you have a preference?”
“Pizza sounds good. I like cheese.” My knee stopped shaking, and I already felt so much better. How did his mere presence do that to me?
“Me too, Freddy.” He gave my hand a squeeze and stood up. “I’m going to walk you to your car to make sure you get out of here. So please wrap up everything and be ready in five.”
“Okay.” I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had given me instructions like that. Again, a small part of me was annoyed because I was the boss and he was the employee, but a much bigger part felt special and important to Saber. Like he cared enough to tell me what to do, and that was something I didn’t realize I needed.
After quickly shutting down my computer and gathering my stuff, Saber walked me out to my car. We kept a reasonable amount of space between us for the surveillance cameras, but once I got inside and rolled down the window, Saber leaned in and let his hand linger on my shoulder as he reminded me to get changed into comfortable clothes and think about what movie I wanted to watch.
I went straight home and did what he asked. Everything except picking a movie. I didn’t know what he would like, and I wasn’t good at picking, so I decided to let Saber choose. He was good at choosing, and knowing that Saber would handle it brought me a great deal of comfort.
Sometimes, it was better to let someone else do the thinking and deciding.
Chapter 11
The sexual tension between me and Frederick had been steadily growing. At least, I thought it was sexual. He’d been rocking a boner for days, and I couldn’t imagine how painful that must have been. I got hard fairly often too, but I was more skilled at discreetly taking care of it in the bathroom or by thinking unsexy thoughts.
Frederick didn’t seem to be as skilled, and based on his drunken confession at the restaurant, I had a feeling he was relying on porn at home to deal with his needs. That was the second best-case scenario, as far as I was concerned. The first option, my preference, would be a little more hands-on, or mouth-on as the case may be. But I needed to take baby steps.
Starting tonight.
When I gave him instructions, I was not only testing to see if he followed them but whether or not he liked following them.
And when he opened the door wearing a big-ass smile and a pair of plaid flannel jammies with fuzzy socks, I couldn’t contain the joy in my heart. He wanted this as much as I did. I just didn’tthink he knew exactly whatthiswas quite yet. But we’d get there. And wherever he fell on the kink spectrum, I could feel in my heart that Freddy was going to be my boy.
“You look great.” I stepped right up to his chest and gave him a one-armed hug while using my other to hold the pizza and breadsticks out of the way. “I’m so proud of you for obeying me.”
He blew out a breath and lowered his forehead to my shoulder. “You’re proud of me?”
“Of course I am. I asked you to do a few things for me and you did.” My hand cupped the back of his neck as I stepped away. “Thank you.”
“I wanted to make you happy.” He bit his lip and sucked in a shuddering breath. “But I didn’t know I could make you proud too. I don’t think anyone has ever been proud of me before.”
Fuck. That hit me in the gut. “Of course people have been proud of you, sweetheart. Your parents, for one.”