“A little bit, yeah.”
He took a sip and locked his gaze with mine. “Did we…you know?”
“What?” I took a drink from my cup and cocked my head, waiting for him to respond.
“Last night.” He cleared his throat. “Did we do the sex?”
“The sex?” I bit the corner of my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. “No, Freddy. We didn’t do the sex. I got you home, tucked you in, and then let myself out. I promise your virtue is still pure.”
“Oh.” He almost seemed disappointed by that. “Of course. Sorry for even asking. That was wrong.”
“Not at all.” I scooted closer so the side of my leg was touching his. “I’m proud of you for asking. I know that’s not an easy thing to say, but it’s important for you to know what happened.”
He just nodded and took another sip.
“And even more important is that you know you can trust me. I’d never take advantage of you when you were vulnerable. If you ever want to do the sex—” I waggled my eyebrows to let him know my teasing was harmless. “You’ll need to say the words and let me know you’re one hundred percent on board.”
“Oh.” His breathing picked up, and I noticed his trousers tenting in front, but he didn’t even try to hide his hard-on this time. For some reason, that felt like progress. “Okay. Thank you.”
“Thank you for trusting me, Freddy.” I reached for his shoulder and gave him a squeeze. “It means a lot to me. I promise not to abuse that.”
His eyes welled up, and he nodded. “I know you won’t, Saber.”
Chapter 10
I felt yucky for most of the day, but by the time Saber pushed away from his desk to leave, I was almost human again.
He was looking at me when I looked at him. “Is there anything else you need before I head out?”
It was after five, and we had gotten quite a bit done. I hadn’t given much thought to everything Nate had suggested, but that was because every time I tried to bring up the conversation from the night before in my mind, I thought about all the other stuff that was said and done.
Including the fact that Saber, my employee, undressed me and tucked me into bed.
If he mentioned that to his uncle, I’d surely be fired. But I didn’t think he’d do that.
Over the next few days, we powered through the punch list and added several new features I didn’t expect to get to for months. Saber had a way of focusing me so we were both more productive, and I didn’t feel any of the stress I usually had.
Even though I still had two open positions to fill, I wasn’t in any hurry to expand my department.
Saber and I were a solid team, and if Nate was hired, we’d definitely be able to turn BillForce around. If Ralph and the rest of the board didn’t agree, I had some ideas for that too. But that was forfuture meto deal with.Present mewas having more fun at work than I ever had before.
Saber brought a joy to my life that I couldn’t remember feeling since I was a young child. He joked around with me like I was one of the guys, and we had lunch together every day. It was unlike any relationship I’d had as an adult. In just a few days, we had a real friendship.
The only bad thing was that my attraction to Saber was intensifying. I couldn’t stop thinking about him—whether we were together or not. I didn’t really understand what was happening, but I was pretty sure it was a crush. At least, my understanding of what a crush was. When I was younger, I would have thought Saber was a person I wanted to date. But now, my feelings were deeper than that. I wanted to spend every second with him, and that was scary.
And exciting.
Unfortunately, my erections weren’t going away, but I was getting better at ignoring them. At least until I got home and turned on the videos of men suckling milk from other men. There was one actor who looked similar to Saber, and every time I saw him, my orgasms came quickly. That was helpful to get to sleep at night, but I’d been waking up with semen in my underwear from the dreams that filled my nights.
Part of me wanted to talk to Saber about what I could do about it, but that wasn’t a conversation that was appropriate for a manager to have with an employee. But from day one, our relationship hadn’t been normal. I was grateful for that, but I was starting to need more.
On Friday afternoon, I started to get antsy. I couldn’t focus on my work, and my emotions were right on the surface. Every time I glanced at Saber, I wasn’t sure if I should smile or cry or run to the bathroom to deal with my erection.
And somehow, he knew exactly what I needed.