Page 85 of Wandering Closer

He looks to me for confirmation that I’m okay, his eyes softening when I give him a reassuring smile. “Can I get either of you anything?” We both tell him no before he slips out of the room, promising to be back as soon as possible.

“I’m going to wash your hair. I already asked the nurse before I came in here and she’s bringing a shower chair. I brought mygood shower supplies and stopped by your place to get you some fresh clothes. While I do this, you’re going to tell me exactly what’s been going on. Deal?”

A lump forms in my throat as I take in my beautiful friend. I don’t know what I did to deserve a woman like her in my life, but I will be eternally grateful. She helps me out of bed and into the shower, leaving my hospital gown on so I have some privacy. Michele takes her time as she carefully and meticulously washes the mud from my hair while avoiding my stitches. She even helps me wash my body when I struggle to do it on my own.

“He lied to me,” I confess while her fingers stroke through my hair, rinsing out the conditioner. “He has been paying for the lawyer the whole time and didn’t tell me.”

Michele’s hands pause a moment before continuing. “Did he tell you why he lied?”

“He didn’t have to. I can put two and two together. I know I have been stubborn about wanting to do as much as possible on my own, especially when you guys first found out about Tyler. He explained that he hated lying but he would do anything for me, including make sure I have the best people fighting for me, and that meant making sure I had Kinsley.”

She turns off the shower, wringing out my hair before helping me get out and into the fresh clothes she brought. I step out of the bathroom in baggy sweats, cozy socks that aren’t too tight on my ankle, and a loose shirt that won’t interfere with my IV. Just when I think Michele has gone above and beyond, she sits me on the bed sideways so she can brush and braid my hair.

“I have to be honest, and it’s okay if you’re mad at me,” she starts again as she parts my hair. “I knew about Kinsley. I told him so many times to tell you, but he was scared you would fire her and go with someone cheaper.”

I take a deep breath, letting the information settle. I want to be mad, I feel like I should be mad, but I’m not. I could have diedyesterday. If Thoren and his team had waited the six hours to verify that I was lost, or Shadow hadn’t been out there helping, I would have died. It makes things like this seem trivial.

When I step back and look at it from an outsider’s perspective, Thoren went out of his way to spend his money on something that was important to me. I can be mad at the lie, but being upset about him putting such a high value on my justice and feelings is just stupid. Thoren has shown time and time again that he is going to be by my side through it all. That I am his number one priority in life. It’s a heady feeling standing in the glow of his love.

I grab her wrist after she ties off the braid, pulling her down so I can see her. “Don’t yell at me for almost dying and we are even.”

She barks a surprised laugh, wrapping me in a hug, “Deal.”

Thoren makes it back with an army in tow, each one with their hands full. “I got you some tea. The nurse said it would be okay,” he says, handing me a cup from his tray, before giving another to Michele and taking the last for himself. “You look beautiful,” he whispers, dropping a kiss on my forehead.

“It’s good to see you up,” Evelyn says, pushing him out of the way to hug me. “I didn’t think we were allowed to bring anything in the ICU, but I guess River knows the tricks. The basket is from him.”

David gingerly places a basket on my lap, giving my shoulder a squeeze. I peek through the gift, seeing fuzzy socks, a thick robe, some newly released romance books, a candle, and some lotion. There’s a bulky envelope slipped in the middle, so I grab it out.

Thought these might be helpful for you in the future. Glad you’re okay.


I dump the contents to find a compass and a bumper sticker that says ‘Support Search and Rescue: Get Lost’. Chuckling, I slip the items back into the basket and place it on the table next to me. He is a good and kind man, but also kind of an ass, and I can’t help but love him for it.

“Jake was going to come check on you, but Shadow is an anxious mess right now, so he is staying with her instead,” Thoren says, tucking me back under all the blankets before wrapping himself around me again. “She’s the one who found you first, and I think it’s killing her not knowing you’re okay. Jake said he snuck over to our house and had to steal one of your shirts to calm her.”

He pulls his phone from his pocket, scrolling to the text thread to Jake. There’s a photo of Shadow snuggled on the couch, my shirt under her head.

David speaks up from his spot on the wall, laughing lightly. “She tried to follow you into the ambulance. It took both Jake and I to hold her back. That dog is as much yours as Thoren’s.”

“Damn straight. Lily’s her mom,” Thoren says proudly. “I like the sound of that. Can we come back here in nine months to make you a real mom?”

My wide eyes turn to him, beaming at the casual drop of wanting to get me pregnant.

“That’s our cue,” Evelyn says, patting my leg. “We just wanted to see you and drop off River’s gift. The fridge and freezer will be stocked with meals when you get home. If you need anything else, you just call, dear. Oh, and I will make an excellent grandma.”

She walks out of the room completely nonchalant, as David makes his way over. He drops a kiss on the top of my head. “Glad you’re doing okay. I’d be a good grandpa, too, in case youwere wondering.” He follows his wife out, and I turn to look at Thoren, whose smile is even wider somehow.

Michele puts her hands up when I look at her. “I’m staying out of this. Thoren, I expect expert level groveling. Lily, rest up and then put that man to work. I’m around if you guys need anything.”

My nurse comes in to bring me soup, and Michele clears out her things, promising to stop by tomorrow morning again. Thoren feeds me each sip slowly, despite my protest, then snuggles right back into bed with me to catch up on sleep. My body is utterly exhausted, the shower having used every ounce of energy I had. I soak in Thoren’s body heat, and drift off to sleep with him.



“You know they said I could walk, right?” I ask, as Thoren carries me from the truck bridal style.