I’ve become accustomed to waking up wrapped in Thoren’s arms, and it’s a feeling I crave. I know he came to bed last night and was here at some point, but as I slide my hand over the sheets behind me, it’s fur that I find. Shadow’s tail thumps with the realization that I’m awake, and her cold nose pokes over my shoulder, nudging my cheek.
“Morning little lady,” I coo to her, as she moves her entire body weight to plop down on me. “Okay, not so little lady,” I wheeze out.
Her wet tongue licks every exposed inch of skin until I give up with a groan and roll her off me. She normally gets up with Thoren, but he must have left the bed before she was ready. I take care of my bladder and do a quick teeth brushing before I throw on one of his sweaters and head in search of coffee and my man.
Last night was a whirlwind of emotions and events, and having the time to think things over in the bath was unexpectedly nice. Evelyn is wonderful, and her maternal side shocked me. Despite having just met me, she was willing to be in my corner, and that’s something I never had until moving here. The love she has for her sons was expanded to include mewithout thought. How different my life might have turned out if I had parents like her and David who encouraged me to pursue my passions from day one. I would probably be further in my author journey, and I doubt I would have accepted attention from someone like Tyler. It’s no secret that people who weren’t raised in loving households seek out attention, often accepting less than they deserve. I know now that’s what I did, trying to please my parents by dating someone they would have approved of, as well as someone who showed even an ounce of interest in me.
If that were the case, though, I wouldn’t have moved here and met this ragtag crew of people. I can say with absolute certainty that I would be missing out without them in my life, even grumpy Jake. The love and acceptance I have found with them is something I have been seeking for years. The fact that his parents read my books and joke about what is in them means more to me than they will ever know.
When Thoren took me upstairs after dinner at his parent’s house, what he did to me… well, that was the last thing I expected to happen. The way he makes me feel so alive and cherished when doing depraved things is altering my brain chemistry. His grunts of pleasure as he came in his pants from getting me off were so hot, it sent shock waves of ecstasy through my body while I came down from my orgasm. I was riding such a spine tingling high when I shakily made my way back downstairs. I’m pretty sure his parents knew what happened upstairs, but they smiled sweetly and played naive. It was such a good night until that text came through.
I didn’t expect to hear from Tyler again, but his text sent me into a tailspin. He was demanding in his career and sometimes with me, but never threatening. His obvious threat scared me. It’s the reason I was cautious to fight in the first place. I feel badthat Thoren found out that way, but I’m glad he knows. He took care of me and ensured I was okay despite his anger.
There’s a half full pot of coffee, so I make myself a cup before stepping onto the deck in search of Thoren. My eyes turn at the sound of wood cracking, catching on his broad figure chopping wood. This might be my favorite look on him yet. Sweat drenches his white shirt, clinging to his muscular chest, while dirty work pants hug his legs, and suspenders stretch taut over his shoulders. He is exuding raw power as every muscle flexes and tenses with each swing of his axe.
I stand there a little too long, drooling over every inch of him, when I lock onto his face. He looks exhausted, with red eyes and a tortured expression. There’s a growing pile of cut wood next to him that must have taken a few hours at least. I track back inside to discard my coffee mug and grab him a cold water bottle.
Shadow slips outside with me this time, running straight to her dad. When he puts down his axe and glances up, our eyes connect and the vulnerability in his almost takes me out at the knees.
“Did you sleep at all last night?” I hand over the water, watching him guzzle the whole thing.
“Is it because you’re mad at me?”
His head hangs as he sucks in a deep breath. “No, I’m not mad at you. I’m angry over him threatening you. I’m angry that he even put you in this position and got you fired. I’m sad that you didn’t want to come to me with the first text, and I’m angry with how I’m handling all of this.”
I can understand all that, although I don’t think he’s handling it wrong. He’s not taking his anger out on me, but I don’t think pushing himself past the brink of exhaustion is necessarily healthy either. “Take it out on me.”
“What?” his head whips up.
“You’re exhausted, and clearly this isn’t working if you’re still this upset. So take it out on me. I brought this pain into your life, let me be an outlet for it.”
“Baby, you don’t know what you’re asking.”
“I do. I’m not made of glass. Your hammer won’t break me, Thor.”
He wars with himself until the look in his eyes changes to something darker. His hands reach up, slowly pulling down one suspender and then the other as they hang at his sides. In one swift move, he pulls his shirt over his head and drapes it over the stump where he was splitting the logs.
“Bend over, hands on the stump.”
My pussy clenches at the authority in his voice. He has shown this feral, domineering side in bits, but I know he’s holding back. I don’t want him to, I want pain at his hands because I know it will be laced in pleasure. He doesn’t want to hurt me, but he wants to own me and I am ready for him to take it all. I stride over to the stump, doing exactly as he said.
His heavy footsteps fall behind me before his fingers grip the edge of my panties and pull until they tear. He tosses the pieces onto the stump next to me, the careless act sending a shiver down my spine. Rough hands firmly grip my ass, sliding up and over my back, taking his shirt I am wearing with it.
“If this is too much, you tell me to stop and I stop. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
A growl rips from his throat. “I will make you scream that pretty throat raw, and if you’re a good girl, I’ll soothe it with my cum.”
My pussy drips in anticipation, coupled with an edge of fear running through me. I’ve never done anything like this. Thoren is expanding my sexual horizon every time we are together and I have yet to experience something that hasn’t blown my mind.His hands rub down my back, landing back on my ass before disappearing.
Without warning, he smacks my ass hard, causing my whole body to lurch forward with the force of it. I whimper at the sting as he gently caresses it.