We all exchange hugs, and as my mom walks Lily to the door with Shadow, my dad holds me back. We’ve had countless talks over the years about how to treat women, love, relationships, and how he knew that my mother was the one. He’s a firmbeliever that you can fall in love multiple times, but you only have one true love. “Is she the one?”
“I’ve only known her for two months, dad.”
“Time doesn’t matter.”
“Yes. She’s the one.”
He wraps me in a hug, slapping my back. “I knew it. Love that girl hard, son.”
“I will, dad. I’ll see you this week when you come help with the bathroom.” I let him go, plant a kiss on my mom’s head, and follow my girls out the door. Anger and love are swirling around in my gut with equal fervor. I’m beyond pissed about the text on Lily’s phone, but I’m also in awe of the fact that in all the time I spent with Jen, my dad never once asked me if she was the one.
I open Lily’s door and help her in before getting Shadow and myself in Freya. We wave to my parents, who are still standing on the porch, wrapped in each other’s arms. The drive is deadly silent and I can’t take it anymore.
“How long?” I grit out, wrapping my hands tighter around the wheel.
“He texted me Monday. This is the only text since.” Her voice is hoarse, like she’s holding back tears, and I instantly feel like an asshole. I may be mad that he is threatening her, but she’s the one getting threatened on top of all the other shit she is dealing with. My hand finds hers, threading our fingers together.
We ride the rest of the way in silence again, while I revel in this new information. I have so many questions, and I want to know if she’s talked to Kinsley about this. Nothing would make me happier than beating this guy’s ass. I bet River would happily track him down and do the beating for me on his next game series in Phoenix.
Lily seems defeated when we get home, so I head straight upstairs to draw her a bubble bath. I add salts and lavender bubbles, then head downstairs to find her. She’s cuddling withShadow on the couch, absentmindedly stroking her fur while staring at the wall. I kneel in front of her, grabbing her chin to get those beautiful blues on me.
“I would like to read his texts, then carry you upstairs and put you into the bath I drew for you while we talk about this. Is that okay?”
She nods at me, so I pull her phone back out and hand it to her. With a swipe of her thumb, she pulls up the texts as I take a seat next to her. The first one is a simple ‘drop the lawsuit’ text, but this second one is threatening.
Unknown Number:
Drop the fucking lawsuit, Lily. You’re making a mistake coming after the company, and you’re going to lose. We are going to bury you, is that really what you want? Stop wasting your money and my time.
The balls on this guy. I don’t know what she ever saw in him. I put her phone down to scoop her up, carrying her upstairs to the bathroom. I undress her as all the questions flow through my mind.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask, pulling her dress over her head.
“It was just one text at first, and I told Kinsley about it. I thought that would be it, and didn’t want to pull you further into my problems.”
I undo her bra and help her step into the tub, watching her sink down. Grabbing one of her clips from a drawer under the sink, I pile her hair into a ball and clip it in place. Parking myself on the rug outside the tub, I rest my arms on my knees and look at her. “When will you see that you’re not a problem to me, baby, but a choice? I chose to stand by your side through this, and I will continue to do so. What did Kinsley say?”
She skims her fingers through the water before looking at me. “She said to screenshot and send it to her, but she also subpoenaed my phone records so she can see that way, too. I guess him texting me can help in the case, and I’m not supposed to respond.”
“Will you tell me if he contacts you again?”
“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t. I never meant to hurt you.” I lean forward to grab her hand and rub my lips lightly over her knuckles.
“You didn’t hurt me. I can’t say I’m happy that you didn’t tell me, but I can understand it. My only worry is you. I’m beyond upset that he is threatening you, and I need to run out this anger. Stay here and relax. I’ll be back in a bit, okay?” I lean forward, placing a tender kiss on her lips before leaving her to it. Pulling on shorts and a sweater, I grab my running shoes.
I need to call Kinsley and see if there is anything I can do to keep him from her. Would it be too extreme to get her a new number and phone? I can leave the old one open for him to keep digging himself a hole, while keeping her from having to see the threats. I grab my small head lamp from the back seat of my truck and throw it on before hitting the road.
My parents were right, that I was the scrawny, tender kid for most of my life. It was a small town, so I knew mostly everyone, but I wasn’t close with many. People were always trying to change me; comparing me to others and I resented it.Why don’t you try to play sports like your brother? Why don’t you work out more, I’m not into the skinny type. If you did this one thing, maybe more people would like you.Jake was the first one to really see me for who I am until Jen came along. Even then, I think Jen saw parts of me and intended to mold those parts how she saw fit. I allowed myself to bend to her will and let her shape me how she wanted.
Jake and my family are the only people who have never tried to change anything about me. They have always loved me for who I am, not who I could be. I am finally confident in the man that I’ve become and what I have to offer. Lily sees me and I see her. Her family treated her the same way, forcing her onto the paths they wanted for her. People have never loved her for who she is, but who they thought they could make her become.
She didn’t deserve that then, and she doesn’t deserve it now. I want to show her that she is perfect exactly how she is and that after this mess is over, we can build a life together. No one deserves to have a family that makes them feel like they are less than. Her trust issues are justified, especially when you add in a man who lied, cheated on, and manipulated her for years.
I’m no longer the scrawny kid and will fight for what I want - a future with Lily. Tyler has taken enough from her and I won’t let him take any more. I’ll fight tooth and nail to make her see that I am here for her, that together we can have it all, and that once we bury this prick and the entire company, our future will be waiting with open arms.
I’m not sure how long I run for, but my legs are shaking and the house is quiet when I get back. Not wanting to wake up Lily, I shower in the guest bath before crawling into bed with her. Lying there, with the girl of my dreams tucked into my arms, I come to a horrible revelation. I was upset that she didn’t tell me about one text, when I’ve been lying to her about paying for her lawyer. I know I need to come clean, but she can’t afford to keep Kinsley on her own, and I don’t think she will accept my financial help. If she hardly lets me help do little things like work on her bathroom, how will she take knowing I’m spending tens of thousands of dollars on lawyer fees?
It’s a horrible catch twenty-two and I have no idea what to do. I try to sink into the feeling of her next to me, safe and protected, but it doesn’t work. At the first light of the morningsun, I crawl out of bed and do the only other thing that ever seems to clear my head.