It’s like I can’t escape hearing about Carson’s murder case, which means I can’t escape hearing about my dad since his firm is representing Max’s parents. I want to toss my phone in the ocean because every single time I open the internet that’s the first thing that pops up. Apparently, the murder of some big shot CEO’s son is a big deal.
Especially when the suspects are the ex fiancé’s parents.
My dad’s defense team is trying to get the case thrown out. I haven’t wanted to read more into how or why, but it pisses me off.
The only reason I don’t get rid of my phone is that I need it to be able to watch the cameras in our house to make sure nothing happens again. I also need to be able to get a hold of Max at all times.
I do like that she’s able to come with me to my fights though. Not only that, but Adam encourages it. I fight better when she’s there because I’m not worried about her. I also love the way it feels to have her watching me.
As annoying as it is to keep being reminded of something I would rather forget, now I at least have my fight to focus on. Which is exactly what I do the entire drive to Portland. We all squeezed into Max’s Corolla, with Adam driving, Drew next to him while I have Max plastered to my side in the back seat. She tried for a tiny bit of distance, but I didn’t let her.
Even with my headphones in, my pump up playlist playing like I always do before a fight, I wanted to feel her close. I want to get in the zone, but also need to feel her. I would stick my hand down her pants right now and make her come on my fingers if it wouldn’t fuck up my routine. Even I know that may distract me a bit too much.
But on the drive home, I’ll probably have her sitting on my cock the whole time. Actually, that’s a good idea. I look down to Max to tell her my plan, but notice she’s fallen asleep. That’s fine, she doesn’t need to know ahead of time. She’ll enjoy it when it happens.
I continue to listen to my playlist, staring out the window while my fingers run through Max’s soft hair absentmindedly.
We getto tonight’s venue several hours early and Cal, Alexander, and Danner arrive shortly after us. She insisted she was coming for Max, and refused to ride with the two guys who were practically begging for her attention. I know Cal has wanted her for awhile, and since him and Alexander are practically attached at the hip with how good of friends they are. I wouldn’t be surprised if theybothwanted her.
I, apparently, have no room to talk when it comes to that type of situation. Despite my reluctance, I’m too far in now.
My headphones stay on as Adam and I go to check in. Before I walk away, I make sure to give Max a rough kiss since it’s the last one I’ll get before the fight and I have to make sure I make it worth it.
When I pull back her eyes are hazy and I know what my girl looks like turned on, which is exactly what she is right now. I lean down. “Don’t worry, killer, you’ll get my cock in your needy little pussy after I win.”
She shakes her head, patting my chest, and instead of walking away, I pull her into me again, taking one of my earbuds out. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she whispers between us, like it’s still so foreign for her to say, and I agree, but with her it comes way easier than I would have ever guessed.
I can’t help but yank her lips onto mine again because hearing her say those words to me has me ready to abandon the fight altogether, though I know she wouldn’t let me. If that doesn’t show how much I love her, I don’t know what does.
Maybe accepting sharing her with two other men.
Before I can get any more distracted, Adam and I head to check in. I turn my music back on loud enough to drown everything out so I can get in the zone. My hands are stuffed in the front pocket of my hoodie, and I refuse to look at anyone, completely focused on the fight.
After we’re checked in, we go back to where the fighters go to prepare and do just that until it’s my time. I continue everythingI normally do, but it’s right before I’m about to get called up that Adam looks at his phone, and doesn’t do a good job hiding the face he makes.
I know I shouldn’t ask, especially when I’m only minutes from going into the cage, but something about the way he’s looking and then trying to act like he’s not has me asking.
He shakes his head. “Nothing, doesn’t matter, let’s go.”
“Fuck that, it’s something. What is it?”
“You’re about to go out there, you’re not getting in your head with anything. I’ll tell you after,” he insists.
“I’m already in my head, so you might as well fucking tell me.”
“It’s nothing, Max is okay, everything is fine. Focus on the fight.”
I want to argue with him, but knowing Max is okay has me accepting what he’s saying for now. Because my name is being called to go out and now, it’s time for me to do what I came here to do.
As soon as I enter the cage, my opponent is across from me already acting like he’s a lot more dangerous than he is. He snarls through his mouth guard and I just look at him. Though, I make sure to scan the crowd to find my girl. I find her easily, my eyes are always drawn to her.