I get to the gym after insisting on driving myself because I want to go to the beach after, before I have to get ready for work. I’m a few minutes early and already see that girl Karissa is here. She’s always hitting on my men, and it annoys me. I try to brush it off because I know nothing will come from it. It only makes her look desperate anyway.
Of course, she’s in one of her tight sports bras, tight shorts, and nothing else like she always is. It’s too cold to wear that and not be completely obvious about it. I just roll my eyes, finding a spot on the mats to start stretching. Caine spots me almost immediately, his eyes raking down my body obviously as he wraps his hands, and the simple gesture that I’ve seen so many times shouldn’t be as hot as it is.
He notices me watching and winks, so I roll my eyes looking away to not feed his already inflated ego even more. I focus on stretching out until Adam announces the start of class.
“Alright, today we are sparring, partner up with someone of similar size as you,”CoachAdam instructs and I’m already turned on from watching Caine, but having Adam be in coach mode only adds to it.
That is until I hear the shrill voice speaking, “Drew, I want to spar with you.”
“I have a hundred pounds on you, we aren’t similar sizes,” Drew tells Karissa, deadpan.
I scowl at the way she sways like she’s pouting. While I know I have nothing to worry about, and I may not be anywhere near a professional at BJJ at this point, I know I’m better than her. Which is why I call out, “Karissa, want to partner up?”
She turns toward me with a disgusted look on her face. “No.”
“That’s perfect.” Adam nods. “Max and Karissa, you can go first.”
She continues to pout as I enter the cage, and I think for a minute she’s not actually going to join me. But she does and I smirk. I even notice Caine pauses what he’s doing to watch. Karissa looks pissed off as she enters along with me, and I stretch my hand out toward her which she blatantly ignores so I shrug.
She squeals when I try to grab her immediately and I give her a disbelieving look. Looking over my shoulder to see Drew shaking his head subtly and Adam standing tall with his arms folded across his chest, just watching.
I try again, this time managing to get a grip on her that takes us to the ground. She struggles, and it’s obvious she has’t been paying attention at all because everything she’s doing is not jiu jitsu. I don’t even know what it is that she’s doing other than squealing and squirming.
I easily get her in a closed guard, and she hardly even fights back, just pushes against me to let her go. When I move from the guard to a choke she lets out a full on scream. I still don’t let up because she hasn’t tapped, and honestly the bitch deserves to be choked.
Not in a fun way, either.
I tighten my arms a bit more than necessary and she’s continuing to flail around as I choke her. Finally, she taps my leg and I let go. She screeches as soon as I do. “Are you fucking insane? You could have killed me.”
“That was just jiu jitsu, you know the thing we’ve been learning?” I look over at Adam and Drew to see their reaction to the madness.
“No, that was you being a crazy bitch trying to kill me,” she screams, starting to get in my face.
I chuckle. “If I wanted to kill you, I fucking would.”
She gasps. “You psycho, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
Adam enters the cage with us, and separates us with a hand on each shoulder. “Max, good work. Karissa, I don’t think you were even trying.”
“She was trying tokill me,” she screams again and I roll my eyes.
“That’s the sport; if you can’t handle it, then maybe you need to find something else,” Adam tells her seriously.
“You’re just taking her side because you’re fucking her,” Karissa pouts and I can’t help but laugh.
“I’m taking her side because she’s serious about the sport, and just demonstrated that.”
She screeches again, and I can’t help myself, “If you fucking scream one more time I’m going toactuallytry and kill you. So just shut the fuck up.”
“You’re such a bitch, think you’re so much better than everyone because you’re fucking however many of the guys here.”
I just shrug. She doesn’t need to know the details of my life, and I don’t care if she knows who all I’m fucking, or who I’m not. I just want her to stop bursting my eardrums with her shrill ass voice.
“I think you need to leave. It’s obvious your intention isn’t to learn the sport, and you’re taking it out on another student for no reason,” Adam tells her, and I bite back my smile.
“You can’t be fucking serious.”