“You sure you want to do this, old man?” Caine taunts, and I just shake my head at him.
“Careful with your confidence, you’re looking pretty cocky,” I retort seriously.
“And you’re looking pretty weak over there. When was the last time you actually fought and didn’t just hold up the pads for the rest of us to punch?”
“Don’t worry about me, worry about yourself.”
“Alright.” Drew shakes his head. “Let’s keep it clean.”
“I will, and I won’t hurt you too much in front of Max.” Caine smirks, sending a wink over in our girl’s direction.
“I wouldn’t worry about that,” I tell him.
“Alright, begin,” Drew announces. A big positive I have as Caine’s coach is I know his fighting style. I know the tactics he’s going to use. While he hasn’t seen me fight, he doesn’t know anything about mine.
Which is evident how much of an advantage that is when I anticipate his first move, easily dodging it. He immediately acts like it was a diversion and tries to throw a leg, but I anticipate that too.
I’m an expert at his fighting style. About everything with him in the cage so every move he attempts I dodge and deflect and after toying with him for a bit I throw my own hit which lands right in his jaw.
“Mother fucker,” he grunts, spitting onto the ground and I know I’ve pissed him off. I want to smile, but I’ll save that until the end.
The thing about Caine is that I see a lot of myself in him. I was a cocky little shit when I was younger too. I learned that’s not always the best way to be and managed to check myself. Except right now I can’t help that attitude that comes back because fighting with Caine feels a lot like attempting to play with a lion. I’ve seen him fight, know how good he is and the fact that I know I can beat him fairly easily makes it difficult to be humble.
Especially when I’m able to get another solid opening that has my fist meeting his face once again. He snarls as the blood drips from his nose.
“Come on, thought you were going to kick my ass.” I smirk and I can see how pissed off he is, which is great for me because the madder he gets, the sloppier he’ll get.
That becomes even more true with the next combination he tries, and fails. I’m able to get a grip around him to take him down to a submission. He tries to throw me off, both of us grappling for control and even when I get him into the takedown he doesn’t tap. I adjust to have him in a choke, and he still doesn’t tap. I know the stubborn fucker will let me hold him until he passes out before he admits defeat.
“Tap if you can’t get out of it,” I tell him, gruffly.
“Fuck off.”
I tighten my grip around him to prove that I’m not going to let go; if he’s going to let me choke him until he passes out that’s on him. I’ll let up as soon as his eyes roll back, so it’s not like he’ll die.
I feel the slightest tap on my leg and I let up immediately so Caine can take in a deep breath. The gym is quiet for a second, then Drew calls out, “Coach wins on a tap out.”
I catch Alexander slap Cal’s arm. “Pay up.”
“Don’t bet on fights in my gym,” I scold them.
“Hey, I said you’d win.” Alexander shrugs like that makes it any better.
“Fun is over,” I announce, but my eyes fall onto Max’s and I hope she can decipher the look in my eyes that’s portraying to her that the fun with her is yet to come.
My parents have officially been arrested.
It was weird to read about when Adam sent me the article. The pictures they had of my parents in handcuffs should’ve made me feel happy. Relieved or something. But for some reason, it’s only filled me with more anxiety.
I know Caine’s dad and brother are their attorneys. I know that the Aldridge’s have a reputation for being the best at what they do. They’ve defended a number of high profile criminals before, some that were so obviously guilty that the public outrage was crazy when they ended up getting off.
I know that them being arrested is only the first step. Sure, there was enough evidence to get them caught, but will it be enough to convict them? Especially having such good lawyers. My head already hurts from the stress of it all and I just want to forget. I would normally seek out my guys and make them fuck me into next week because that always helps me forget everything, but I have my BJJ class at Uncaged, and I actually want to go.
Plus, Drew and Adam need to teach it. Caine also has his own training to do. He has another fight in Portland he has to prepare for. Which is for the best, I can’t rely on them to make me feel better, I need to do that myself. I know training will do just that.