George gave me a funny look, but still let me have my job back without any argument. As soon as we’re outside of The Tavern I turn toward Drew. “Which one of you talked to him?”
“Adam,” he answers easily.
“I knew it.” I shake my head, though I’m secretly happy about it. I look toward the ocean before glancing back at Drew once again. “Can we go to the beach?”
“Of course, little one. We can do whatever you want.” He smiles and I can’t help but do the same.
We walk to the promenade and down to the sand where I immediately take off my shoes, sinking my feet into the cool, damp ground. The sense of comfort from coming back here is overwhelming as I walk closer to the water.
For the first time, the weight of everything washes over me. Everything I’ve been through, everything I did and how I ended up back here. I collapse into the sand, hugging my legs to mychest as I look out over the water. I hardly even notice when Drew sits by me because I’m so lost in my own head.
Carson is dead. I’m away from my family, but I know I’m not completely safe. I can still get caught, and can still be sent to prison. I’m sure the only thing that’s stopping my parents from turning me in is what that would do to their own image.
I don’t even notice the tears streaming down my cheeks until Drew’s finger wipes them before pulling me into his lap. “What’s wrong?”
I shake my head, not looking at him because I don’t like that I’m crying, or that I’m feeling anything other than relief right now.
“Baby, look at me,” he encourages and the softness in his voice only makes the tears course down my cheeks even faster. Especially when my eyes meet his. “You’re safe now.”
I nod, unable to speak because I’m worried if I try, it’ll just come out as a sob and I’m already mad at myself for crying.
“We’re here for you, no matter what happens. We won’t let anything happen to you ever again,” he reassures, swiping his thumbs across my cheeks and I melt into him.
“I don’t even know why I’m crying.” I shake my head, willing the tears to stop.
“It doesn’t matter why. It’s okay and I’ll hold you right here as long as you need.”
His words have me burying my face into his neck while the tears continue to pour down my face, but I don’t want him to see. The fact that he’s being so sweet to me when I know how savage hecanbe only makes me cry harder. My emotions have been awreck when it comes to these men anyway and right now it all feels amplified.
Like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff, resisting the urge to dive off head first because of the pain it could cause. But I’m about to be pushed, and there’s no going back because they have me and I feel like it’s too late.
After the tears finally stop, and I feel like I can look at Drew without crying again, I do just that. “Let’s go to Uncaged,” I tell him.
“You sure that’s what you want to do?” He wipes the remnants of tears from my cheeks as I nod.
“Yeah, I want to kick someone’s ass,” I attempt to joke.
“How about Caine? I think he deserves it.”
I chuckle as we get up and as we walk back to the promenade, I grab his hand, intertwining our fingers like Adam and I did earlier this morning. There’s something about having that connection, something as innocent as holding hands that grounds me,. With the way he squeezes my hand back, I feel like he needs it too.
We get to the gym,and I’m immediately scooped up into Caine’s arms. I don’t even have time to process what’s happening as he holds onto me.
“Knew you couldn’t resist being away from me, killer.”
“I figured you needed some motivation to train a little harder.” I shove at his shoulder as he sets me down.
“You know what really would give me motivation?” He leans down to whisper, “watching you take my dick in your tight little pussy again.”
I let out a soft gasp at his words, my thighs clenching together. I can’t deny I’ve missed them. Especially the way they know what my body needs more than I do. I want it again. I feel like it’s a piece of normalcy that I’m missing and I want it back.
But I also want them to work for it.
And I want to tease the fuck out of them.
I’ve lacked control in my own life for so long, and being back with Carson only brought that all back. I just want to feel normal again, and one of the ways I want to do that is to prove to them—and myself—just how in control I am.