The one thing I can’t help but tell him is how perfect we all are and that this shouldn’t feel wrong. I don’t want him to be worried anymore or question anything about this relationship.
“I love you, Adam. You complete all of us, and no one is going anywhere,” I insist.
“I love you, baby girl. This is how it’s always going to be.”
I nod in agreement.
“Now, you’re going to need to come for me again. I need to feel your sweet little cunt come on my cock like you did on my face.”
“I can’t,” I cry.
“Better listen to coach, little one,” Drew adds, coming up to one of my sides.
“I can’t,” I insist again, louder and more of a whine.
“You can, killer, come for him, you can do it,” Caine encourages, coming up to my other side.
I cry out in frustration at all of them because I really don’t think I can. I’m overly sensitive to the point it’s almost painful and I don’t think it’s even possible for me to come again.
“Come on, baby girl, give it to me or I’m going to force it out of you.”
“Agh, Daddy,”I scream.
Drew reaches between Adam and me, rubbing my clit and I moan, Caine grabs my head, turning it toward him and crashing our mouths together. All of them being here, touching me, loving me, I’m sure it’s the only reason I’m able to come again, even though I didn’t think it would be possible.
But I do. With a loud scream that I’m sure everyone in this whole fucking town hears, but I don’t even care.
It triggers Adam’s release and with a loud groan of his own, he’s filling me as well, pushing in deep with little thrusts like he’s making sure every single drop stays inside me.
My vision is fuzzy, my breathing rapid. My skin is slick with sweat, body exhausted, and yet I’ve never felt better. Especially when they take care of me, untying me from the side of the cage. Making sure I’m okay before taking me home.
I hardly register everything that happens after we leave the gym. I’m half asleep as they take me home, clean me up, andtuck me into bed. As soon as my body is engulfed in comfort I fall asleep, dreaming of how perfect my new life is with three amazing, slightly psycho men who I love more than I ever thought possible.
It’s nice to see updates on Max’s parent’s case andnotsee my family name attached to it anymore.
It’s even nicer the day the verdict comes in.
We’ve all been slightly on edge despite Danner’s insistence that it’ll be fine. Max has continued to be worried, even though she tried to hide it from us. Too bad I can always tell what she’s thinking. What she needs. She’s my girl, and I know everything there is to know about her.
Apparently I need to get better about saying that, though I still think of her as mine, and I always will.
“Verdict is in,” I call out, seeing the headline, but not daring to click on it until we’re all together. Especially because if it’s not guilty, I’m worried about how Max will react and I want to be right next to her for it.
She’s hiding how nervous she is and I wrap my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into my side immediately.
“You okay, killer?” I ask, and she nods, the little liar. I press a rough kiss to the side of her head, wanting her to relax, but she’s so tense I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Drew and Adam join us, and I don’t hesitate before clicking the link so Max can either chill or have a breakdown that we will all help her through. My eyes skim the page, searching for the words to make or break this moment, and they appear bold and definite.
I feel the whoosh of air leave Max when she sees it too. Of course there’s talk of appeals, but that’s common with any case like this and I doubt they’ll get them. It’s done. She’s free. We’re all free.