Page 104 of Uncaged Obsessions

Doogie ended up listening to us, and left town without trying to pull anything stupid. Which I was happy about, because we could’ve had him taken care of a bit more, but I know Danner is sick of our shit.

She’s been a good friend to Max, and that’s all she should have to be instead of constantly covering up crimes for all of us. Though, it’s still nice to know we have access to that kind of skill if it’s needed.

I hope it’s not.

Max told me to keep our fighting in the cage.

“You too, killer,”I told her.

“So, that’s it then?” she says, turning her head to look up at me.

I nod. “Guess so. How do you feel?”

“Weird. I feel like I’ve been paranoid and worried my entire life, but knowing they won’t be able to do anything to me again…” She hesitates. “I guess it’s going to take some getting used to.”

“Don’t worry, little one, we’ll make sure you’re distracted enough while you get used to it.” Drew winks.

“Well, now what do we do?” she asks, looking between us.

“I have a few ideas.” I yank her into my chest roughly.

“Later,” Adam scolds. “Right now, we all have lives to get to since no one is going to prison today.”

“Today, but never know about tomorrow.” I lean down to try and steal a kiss, but she stops me with her hand over my mouth.

“Too soon.” She shakes her head.

I groan against her hand, biting the skin enough that she yelps, pulling it away with a scowl. One I’m quick to kiss away, and she doesn’t stop me. Her body melts into mine, and a hand slaps down on my shoulder.

“Come on, we don’t have the time,” Drew tells me.

“I’ll be late,” I reply against Max’s mouth. She smiles into the kiss, and I suck her bottom lip between my teeth.

“Might not be a good idea,” she rasps once I let go of her lip. “The boss is pretty demanding.”

“I don’t have a fucking boss,” I growl, diving in for more of her.

“You have a coach, though, and he’s going to make your life a living hell if you don’t knock it off,” Adam’s stern voice says.

“Worth it,” I try to kiss Max again, but she stops me, and I’m getting real tired of her doing that.

“Go, and I’ll reward you later.” She winks.

“I don’t need a reward, I’m not a good boy like Drew.”

A hand slaps the back of my head, and I smirk, knowing I pissed him off. Good, I hope it riles everyone up so we don’t have to leave.

“Watch it,” Max threatens.

I lean down, whispering, “The only thing I’ll be watching is you bouncing on my dick later.”

She sucks in a sharp inhale, and I back up. “Alright, let’s go, fuckers. I have important plans later.”

“I’ll see you guys after I’m off work since there’s no point in any of you showing up to The Tavern anymore.”

“Nice try, baby girl, we’re still making sure you get home safe.” Adam drops a quick kiss to her lips even though she narrows her eyes at him.

“When will you guys trust that I can handle myself? Do I need to be a black belt or something?”