Max is supposed to be here by now. I knew that I should’ve showed up at her work and taken her back to my house. This is what happens when I try to let her have a little bit of independence. Clearly, she can’t handle it and just runs away again.
I thought we were getting better. She’s been spending the night with one or more of us every night. But my girl has a knack for running and wanting to be chased. Maybe that’s what’s happening right now, I’m always happy to chase my little killer if that’s what she wants.
I pull up the camera view in her house to see just how far she’s planning to run, but as soon as I do, I’m shooting to my feet. I’m already halfway out the door when I see a man I don’t recognize in her house as she attempts to fight him off.
Without stopping, even to put on my helmet, I’m racing toward Max’s house, ready to commit murder. I don’t know who the man is. I don’t know what’s going on, and all I can see in my mind is the way he had a fistful of her hair while he dragged her through her living room as she kicked and fought.
I get to her house in half the time it would normally take, and my stomach drops at what I see. Her front door is wide open, her car still in the driveway, but it’s eerily quiet. I race inside, calling her name, but just like the street it’s dead silent.
Her house is a mess, just like it was the other night. I check and clear all the rooms to make sure she’s not hiding. I know she was here, but I can’t feel her nearby and it’s eating at me.
Someone took her.
When I have no other option, I pull out my phone to watch the recording from the cameras. I see Max come home, and the man is waiting here. I watch the altercation. She tries to run and he chases after her. She fights back as he grabs her and I’m proud of how she handled herself.
Until he hits her and I see red. She falls, which is when he grabs her hair, pulling her across the floor as she screams. Then they are out of frame. That’s when I know she’s gone.
I throw my phone across the room with a roar. I need to find her. Whoever that was has no issue hurting her and I don’t doubt he would do worse. She’s my girl, and I’m supposed to protect her, but I fucking failed.
I don’t fail at anything.
Jumping back on my bike, I go to Drew’s first since he’s closer. He answers the door and immediately starts like he knows what I’m here for.
“Max isn’t here?—”
“We have a problem.”
His face falls. “What? Where’s Max?”
“I don’t know. Some guy broke into her house and took her.”
“What the fuck do you mean?” He yells. “Why wasn’t she with one of us? Why the fuck was she alone?”
“Because she’s stubborn and instead of coming over to my house right after work, she apparently went home first,” I snap harshly.
“Well, what the fuck are we doing standing here just holding our dicks, let’s go find her.”
“Yeah? Where?” I ask sarcastically. “You know who this guy is and where he took her? Where the fuck are we going to look for her?” My voice progressively gets louder with each word because reality is really hitting me about this and we have absolutely no idea where she is.
Drew flexes his fists, clearly upset about this too. “We need to tell Adam.”
As much as I want to argue, I know we need as much help as we can get right now to get our girl back. I agree easily and we head over to Adam’s immediately.
As soon as we both pull up, Adam answers the door, and looks between us. I see the second he registers that we’re here without someone.
“Where’s Max?”
We give him the short version, including me having to tell them about the cameras.
“When the fuck did you put cameras in her house?” Adam asks.
“When I needed to have a way to see her at all times.”
“You’re insane,” Drew grumbles.
I don’t even care to argue with him because, yeah, I am insane. I’m even more insane not knowing where my fucking girl is.
Adam looks like he’s as ready to kill someone as we are, but like the two of us, he doesn’t know where to start.