Page 4 of Uncaged Obsessions

“What’s the catch?”

“No catch. Train at my gym, compete inrealfights, and let me be your coach. Let me show you what you can accomplish,” he pitches. “If you hate it, then you quit and go back to your underground fights and I won’t bother you again.”

I shift in the stiff hospital bed, fire burning up my side with the movement. “I don’t know,” I grunt.

He stands up, setting a card on the table next to the bed. “Think about it and let me know. I just hope you decide before the next time you end up almost dead.”

And with that he leaves. I drop my head back against the pillow, closing my eyes once again because everything is starting to feel fuzzy again and I end up drifting off.

After I’m dischargedfrom the hospital and I’m laying on my flat mattress on the floor, hardly able to move and unsure of when I’ll be able to pull myself up for a fight again, I make my decision.

Pulling the card from my wallet where I tucked it away I stare at the name on the card—Jesse Anderson—and his phone number.

It takes me another three days before I call him to take him up on his offer to train me. After I do, I’m still not convinced there isn’t a catch. On the first day I show up to train it doesn't include a single moment of fighting, and I finally realize what the catch might be.

“I don’t see how this is going to help me fight,” I say after the fifth round of circuit training Jesse has me complete.

“That’s because boxing isn’t just about punching the other guy in the face.”

“You sure about that?” I scoff.

“Another round,” he barks.

I groan, wanting to argue with him before walking right out of here and go back to what I was doing before.

But I don’t.

I stick with it. Despite the arguments and the misery at times, I stick with it and I trust Jesse. Eventually, when I actually get my first official fight, it’s an entirely different experience than any of my past ones.

I’ve always been self-assured when I stepped into the ring, but this time it’s a different level of confidence. This isn’t about me just believing I’m the best. I’m confident in my skills I’ve learned, and that I’m going to be able to execute them to perfection.

“How’re you feeling?” Jesse asks during my warm ups.


“You got this, kid.”

I nod. I know I’ve got this. The hint of nerves hits me as soon as I enter the ring, and I try to shake them off. As soon as the fight begins, I'm locked in and focused on all the training I've been doing.

I win.

Not only that, I win money and it’s more than I’ve ever made in any of my past fights. I’m almost overwhelmed by the fact that I’ll be able to afford rent, and maybe even something I’ve always wanted.

“How do you feel?” Jesse asks as we’re leaving.

“Like I’m ready for the next one,” I answer honestly.

He chuckles. “There will be more. This is just the beginning.”

For the first time in a while, I fully trust someone else. Because I feel like this really is just the beginning.

There’s a pounding at my door, and I wonder who it could be this late since I assume Max is already asleep, probably with one of the other guys. I set Athena back in her tank before opening the door where I’m met with Caine and Drew standing there. I look around them for the other person that should be standing with them because she would be the only reason they would be showing up to my house right now.

When I don’t see her, I look at the two of them and notice the matching looks of concern and anger on their faces, so I ask, “Where’s Max?”