Page 80 of Skylar

Though she hadn’t sung along on previous Sundays, that morning, the music seemed to be drawn out of her soul. Familiar melodies accompanying familiar words.

They sang several worship songs, their words projected up onto the screens at the front of the sanctuary. She knew all but one, so it felt like no time at all had passed since she’d last been in a service.

After they sat back down, someone got up and read off several announcements. There wasn’t a lot going on since it was summer, and most programs at the church had been suspended until the fall.

Soon enough, Janessa’s father-in-law, Pastor Kennedy, took his place behind the podium. He gave the congregation a warm smile as he gazed out over them. The pews weren’t as full as she remembered them being in the past, but that was probably due to it being summer and people being away on vacation.

She’d downloaded the Bible app a couple of Sundays previously, so when Pastor Kennedy gave them a reference, she was able to look it up. As a teen, she’d never been allowed to use a Bible app on her phone. She’d had a physical Bible that her parents had bought her, but it was probably still in a storage box somewhere in Vegas.

“So earlier this week, I decided to do something romantic for my lovely wife. I had Reese help me prepare a picnic lunch. I made reservations for a boat so we could spend time on the lake. I even picked up a bouquet of flowers. I did everything except check the weather, so I didn’t realize there was a rainstorm in the forecast.”

A ripple of chuckles flowed through the congregation.

“So there we were, sitting out in the boat, enjoying our picnic, when the sky suddenly darkened and spit out a few raindrops. That didn’t last long, however, because soon it was a torrential downpour. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy about how my plans had been derailed.

“Too often in life, we rush ahead with our plans, not even checking the weather. Then, when it rains, we get angry and frustrated with God.” He lifted his Bible. “Let’s turn to Romans 5, verse 3.”

Skylar opened her Bible app and found the verse.

We also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

After Pastor Kennedy read the verse out loud, he said, “When trials come our way, we are presented with two options. We can glory in those tribulations, or we can rebel against them.”

There was no doubt in Skylar’s mind which choice she’d made when faced with the trials that were a result of her own actions. She’d never viewed that time as a stepping stone to a deeper faith. Instead, she’d run from everything that could have guided her to a place of peace as she’d moved through that difficult time.

Skylar shifted on her seat, the pastor’s words as he shared examples of people who had chosen to be thankful for their trials convicting her. Over the past few Sundays, she’d been able to block out most of his sermons, letting her thoughts wander far from the church in Serenity.

That wasn’t the case that Sunday, however. Even sitting next to Aiden wasn’t enough to distract her.

When Pastor Kennedy mentioned that it was never too late to learn and grow in one’s faith from the trials of life, it really sank deep. Just because she rejected that path nine years ago didn’t mean she had to continue to reject it now.

As they stood to sing the final song, she glanced at Aiden, wondering if he’d been paying attention to the sermon the way she had. He was staring at the pastor, his expression tense.

Skylar fought the urge to reach out and take his arm the way she had in the past. Instead, she gripped the pew in front of her as she bent her head. She sang along to the hymn, not needing to see the words since it was one she was well familiar with.

My hope is built on nothing less

than Jesus' blood and righteousness;

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

but wholly lean on Jesus' name.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand:

all other ground is sinking sand;

all other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness veils his lovely face,

I rest on his unchanging grace;

in every high and stormy gale,

my anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, his covenant, his blood,