Page 81 of Skylar

support me in the whelming flood;

when all around my soul gives way,

he then is all my hope and stay.

When he shall come with trumpet sound,

O may I then in him be found:

dressed in his righteousness alone,

faultless to stand before the throne.

As the song ended, Pastor Kennedy once more stepped up to face the congregation. Bracing his hands on the sides of the large pulpit, his gaze swept over the audience.

“I know that there are those in our congregation today who are surrounded by darkness or are facing that whelming flood. It might be job loss, illness, relationship troubles, money troubles, family troubles or any number of other things. We are not promised a life of ease as Christians, but we are promised that we will not face those difficulties alone. We as brothers and sisters in Christ are here for you, but more importantly, God is here. His grace is never changing, and He is our hope and stay. I pray you choose to stand on that solid rock, so that one day, you will also stand faultless before His throne. Let’s pray.”

Once the final prayer had been spoken, the pastor dismissed them, encouraging everyone to enjoy the beautiful day that God had given them.

Skylar was quiet as she followed Cole up the aisle, moving more slowly than him. Between his long strides and her being inhibited by the walking boot, she wasn’t able to keep up with him. Aiden, however, didn’t seem to be in the rush that Cole was because he fell into step beside her.

“Are you heading back to Coeur d’Alene this afternoon?”

“Yeah, but I think my mom and Willow might be back out here in the next couple of days.”


Aiden nodded. “I think she’s missed living here.”

“It’s good she’s kept the house.”

“Yes. I think she figured that at some point, she’d be able to handle living there again. That she’dwantto be there again.”

“How do you feel about it?”

They’d entered the foyer by then. Aiden stepped clear of the doorway, and Skylar followed him.

“I’m glad that she’s feeling like she can find joy in the memories instead of pain. If she decides to move back here with Willow, I’d support that, though I’d miss having them with me in Coeur d’Alene.”

“You wouldn’t move here?”

“I don’t really want to have an hour plus commute each way. Just makes a long day even longer.”

“Hey, bro,” Cole said as he looped his arm around Aiden’s shoulders. “You stickin’ around this afternoon?”

“Yeah. We’ll probably head back around five or so.”

“You sure you have to go?”

“Of course. I have to work.”

“I still think I should hire you,” Cole said as they moved away from the sanctuary. “Then you wouldn’t have to work all the time.”

Aiden laughed. “I’m not sure I’d want you as my boss.”

“I’d be agreatboss,” Cole replied indignantly. “Just like I’m such a great friend and brother that I rented a boat for the afternoon.”

“A boat?” Skylar asked.