I won’t.
Aiden would have liked a longer conversation but decided not to push for it since he’d basically asked her for a favor. Ticking her off wouldn’t help achieve that.
If they were able to spend some time with Shiloh, he’d be able to talk to Skylar more then. He really hoped that it worked out because, beyond being able to spend time with Skylar, he thought it would be good for the two of them to spend time together with Shiloh.
Skylar gritted her teeth as she used the crutches to make her way into the hospital and up to Shiloh’s room. It wasn’t her first time on crutches in her life. When she’d been a cheerleader, she’d sprained her ankle on a badly performed cartwheel. But she wasn’t any happier about using crutches this time than she’d been that time.
“Hi, Sky.” Charli greeted her with a smile and a hug. “How’s the ankle?”
“It’s throbbing, reminding me it’s still attached.” Skylar glanced over at the bed to see that Shiloh was asleep.
“How long will you be on the crutches?” Charli asked as they sat down on the chairs by the window.
“Too long.” Skylar leaned her crutches against the wall. “Gareth said probably for four weeks or so.”
They chatted quietly for several minutes before Blake showed up. The man smiled at them, but he went to the bed and leaned over to brush a light kiss on Shiloh’s head.
Seeing Blake treat Shiloh with such love and affection was always so reassuring to Skylar that she’d done the right thing. Blake might be rough around the edges and on the stoic, silent side, but she could see that he was fiercely protective and loving of those close to him.
After kissing Shiloh, he came over to greet Charli. She stood up and moved into his embrace. They shared a brief kiss, but then Blake continued to hold her when she tucked her head against his shoulder.
Skylar looked away, feeling like she was intruding on an intimate moment between her sister and her husband, even though it was just a hug.
“Have you decided where we’re going?” Blake said as they stepped apart.
“I think so.”
“Do you want to go now?” he asked.
“Sure. Skylar’s here if Shiloh wakes up.”
Skylar felt a frisson of alarm at being left alone with Shiloh. “Will she be upset if she wakes up and you’re not here?”
Charli shook her head. “She’ll be fine. I talked to her about the plan, and she was excited about it.”
Skylar wasn’t sureshewas going to be fine. But she was this far into things, so she couldn’t back out now.
Before Charli and Blake had a chance to leave, Aiden showed up. Skylar felt her heart skip a beat as he walked into the room. He was wearing a suit, so had probably come from work. He carried several things, including a drink tray with two large cups and a smaller one.
“Hi, Aiden,” Charli said with a smile. “Good to see you again.”
“You as well,” he replied. “Thanks for agreeing to let me spend some time with Shiloh.”
“Well, it works out all around.” She smiled up at Blake. “I’m looking forward to a couple of hours alone with my husband.”
Aiden set the drink tray and bags he carried down on the small table next to Skylar. He stared at her wrapped ankle with a frown. “What happened?”
“We’re going to leave you guys,” Charli said. “Have fun!”
When it was just them, Skylar said, “I twisted my ankle while I was out on a run.”
“You weren’t watching where you were going?”
She gave him a withering look, which prompted a grin from Aiden. “I was doing just fine until a bird shot out of the trees and scared me.”
“A bird?”