Page 42 of Skylar

“You might need to initiate a conversation about it if they don’t.”

Aiden didn’t want to do that, but he also didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to get to know his daughter better. Considering the current state of Shiloh’s health, he had to face—whether he wanted to or not—the very real possibility that things might not go well for her.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he made himself focus on only a positive outcome for Shiloh. Just like he prayed for every day.

Once dinner was over, he helped his mom clean up, then spent a couple of hours with Willow. His mom used that reprieve to have some time by herself after spending all day with the little girl.

He and Willow started out their time by putting together a puzzle, then moved on to doing some coloring before he read hera story. After that, he filled the bathtub with warm water and some bubbles so that she could take a bath before getting ready for bed.

Once she was in her pajamas and had brushed her teeth, his mom came out to tuck Willow in and pray with her. His mom already wore her favorite robe—one his dad had given her for her last birthday before he passed—but instead of going back to her room, she went to the kitchen.

They chatted for a couple of minutes, then Aiden said goodnight and headed down to his space. He wanted to get hold of Skylar before it got too late to see if she had an update she’d share with him.

He sat down in his recliner and, after considering his words, tapped out a message.

Hi Skylar. Hope you had a good day. Just wondering if there’s been an update on how Shiloh’s doing after her treatment today.

He waited for a minute, watching to see if a response came back right away. When nothing appeared, he closed the app and opened his work email. He might not be in charge of the project anymore, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to pay attention to it, even after hours.

After checking through the emails and finding nothing needing his attention, he moved on to his social media. He wasn’t very active on any of it, but he usually checked out the one where there were more newsy posts.

It took about ten minutes before his phone alerted him to a new text message.

Skylar:She had a treatment today, so it’s been a rough day. Hopefully, she’ll feel a bit better tomorrow.

Aiden hated to hear that Shiloh was struggling. He wished there was something he could do to make things easier for her. But there wasn’t.

However, perhaps he could help with the weight Charli and Blake carried.

Do you think we could stay with her for a couple of hours to give Charli and Blake a break sometime?

Skylar:We? We, who?

You and me.

He could see that she was writing a message, but then it stopped. And started up again. Then stopped. And started up again. Then stopped.

Aiden had pretty much given up on a response when one finally popped up on his screen.

Skylar:I’m not sure that’s a good idea.

Why not?

And, once again, the starting and stopping of a message began. He knew it would probably be a hard sell, but he doubted that Charli and Blake would agree to just him hanging out with her, since Shiloh didn’t know him very well. He needed to do his best to sell the idea to Skylar.

Skylar:I’m not sure that Charli would want to leave Shiloh when she’s feeling so bad.

I’m not saying we have to go when she’s feeling poorly, but maybe on a day when she’s not doing too badly.

Skylar:I’ll ask Charli, but don’t hold your breath.

Aiden smiled, even though he knew that it was possible she was just saying that to get him off her case. And it was possiblethat she’d tell him that Charli didn’t want them to go, without even talking to her sister.


Thanks so much. Let me know what she says. Also, thanks for the update on Shiloh. Mom was also wondering how she was doing, and I know she’s praying for her.

Skylar:You’re welcome, but still, don’t hold your breath.