Page 118 of Skylar

“I haven’t yet. I don’t want to impose on her just because we’re sisters.”

“What’s family if we can’t make use of those connections?”

Skylar chuckled. “Nepotism at its finest.”

Charli leaned forward. “How are things with you and Aiden?”

“They’re okay.”

“Is there any chance of a romantic relationship between you two again?”

And wasn’t that the question of the hour? “I don’t know. Aiden wants that, but I’m not sure.”

“Oooh. Has he said that?”

Skylar wasn’t sure she wanted to tell Charli about what had gone on with Aiden over the past day, but she was going to find out one way or another. And she’d already told her she’d quit her job, so in for a penny, in for a pound.

Keeping her voice low, Skylar said, “He asked me out on a date.”

“And you said no?” Charli asked with a frown.

“No. I haven’t said no… yet.”

“Don’t say no, Sky. Give it a chance.”

“I know that things worked out for you and Blake, but our situation is a bit different.”

“What do you mean?”

“From what you’ve said, Blake didn’t reject you because he thought he could do better than you. He ended your relationship because he thought he couldn’t give you the life he wanted to. You don’t have words he spoke emblazoned on your mind. Hurtful words.”

“That’s true, but Aiden seems different now. And he must be regretful for what he’s done if he wants to try again.”

“I’m not sure that my story will be the same as your story,” Skylar said, though the words brought an ache to her heart. “I’m not sure I’m strong enough to try again.”

“Maybe don’t look at it as trying again,” Charli said. “You’re both different people now. Look at Aiden as the man he is now. Is there an attraction still there for you to him?”

Skylar glanced over at Aiden to see him laughing at something Shiloh had said. Oh, there was a lot that was appealing about who Aiden was now. His caring attitude toward his mom, Willow, and Shiloh was amazing. Even the way he took care of her.

But was it enough to offset the horrible memories?

She wasn’t sure about that.

“What have you got to lose?” Charli asked.

“The friendship we’ve settled into,” Skylar said. “We’re getting along, and I think it’s benefitted how we interact with each other and Shiloh. I don’t want to risk losing that.”

“I think that if it doesn’t work out, you two would still be able to figure out how to co-exist with each other.”

Skylar wished she shared Charli’s confidence. “I’m still thinking about it.”

Charli looked over at Aiden and Shiloh. “Don’t wait so long that you lose out completely.”

“If he’s truly serious about wanting a relationship with me, then he’ll wait until I can figure out how I feel.”

Charli’s dark brown gaze met Skylar’s. “But he won’t wait forever.”

Skylar knew that was true, and when the thought of him giving up on her and moving on with someone else caused pain in her heart, Skylar knew that this wasn’t about if she had feelings for him. She clearly did.