Page 117 of Skylar

“Is that the two of you?” Charli asked as she straightened at the end of the song.

“It sure is.”

“That’s amazing,” Charli said with a grin.

“Since we can’t always see you, we wanted you to have something that would remind you that we love you. If you hug the dog, it’s like you’re hugging us.”

Shiloh wrapped her arms around the neck of the dog. “What’s her name?”

“She’s waiting for you to give her one.”

Charli picked up the carrier and looked at it more closely. “You got this at The Snuggle Studio?”

Skylar nodded. “We went there before coming here.”

“They are… not cheap.”

“Whatever the cost, it was worth it,” Aiden said. “Don’t even think about it.”

“Well, that was really nice of you guys. Thank you.”

“Thank you!” Shiloh said, echoing her mom.

“What are you going to name her?” Charli asked as she sat down on the chair beside the bed.

“I don’t know yet.” Shiloh held the dog and made her dance a little, despite the canula still in her arm. “Maybe I’ll see if I dream of a name tonight.”

“That’s a good idea,” Charli said as she ran her fingers over the fur on the dog’s head.

“Can we play a game?” Shiloh asked. “MaybeUno?”

Charli went to the table and picked up the game. “How about you play with Uncle Aiden first, while I talk to Auntie Sky for a few minutes? Okay?”


With a glance at Aiden and Shiloh, Skylar followed Charli over to the small table and chairs on the far side of the room. She took the seat opposite her sister, but angled herself so she could still see the pair at the bed.

“I’m surprised that you came,” Charli said, keeping her voice low. “Especially since we didn’t know for sure how sick she was.”

“Of course I’d come,” Skylar said. “Now that she knows who I am, I feel even more drawn to be here during times like this.”

“It would be easier if you lived here.”

Skylar debated for a moment, then said, “Well, I will be soon.”

Charli’s eyes widened. “What? You’re going to move back?”

“It seems likely,” Skylar said. “I couldn’t get the time off to come since I’ve taken so much time off already. So I quit.”

“Oh, Sky.” Charli reached out and put her hand on Skylar’s arm. “I’m sorry you had to do that.”

Skylar shrugged. “I’m surprisingly okay with it. I just need to figure out where to live and try to find a job.”

“You wouldn’t want to live in Serenity?”

“I’m not sure. My job prospects are probably better here.”

“That’s true,” Charli said. “Have you talked to Kayleigh about this? There might be something out at the resort.”