Page 75 of Zane

“Sarah and Ross being here to share about their ministry and the journey they’ve been on as they move toward where God is leading them, is timely. As you heard, their plan was to originally be at their assignment for the start of this school year, but that isn’t how things have worked out for them. That does not mean, however, that this is not God’s plan for them. It just means that His timing is different than what they might have thought it would be.

“I’m sure we’ve all experienced things not working out in varying degrees throughout our lives. Proverbs sixteen verse nine saysa man’s heart plans his way, but theLorddirects his steps.There is nothing wrong with making plans, even if we’re not entirely sure they’re what God would want for us. The important thing is to hold onto them loosely. Make your plan, but then be open to God moving you in a different direction or at a different speed.”

Getting in a car accident and losing his memory had definitelynotbeen his plan for his life. If it was God’s plan, itsure didn’t make much sense. Was God wanting to move him in a new direction?

Zane didn’t know what had led him to marry Kelsey and make the move to Tampa, beyond it being the best move for his career. But given what Kelsey had said about his lack of faith, Zane doubted that he’d sought God’s guidance regarding the move.

Conviction settled heavily in his heart. He didn’t know if it had been God’s will that he marry Kelsey. But the fact of the matter was… they were married. It was time he fully accepted that and do what he could to make the marriage work. Whether he loved Kelsey or not was irrelevant.

Please, God, direct my steps. I can’t do this on my own. Take away my feelings for Sarah, and give me love for Kelsey. Help me make this work.

As Pastor Kennedy shared other Bible stories of people who had made plans, and then had them redirected by God, Zane realized he needed to completely rethink the direction of his life. For a long time, his career had been his focus. Being the best that he could be. Going for the dream of owning his own restaurant.

But it was all for naught now. He’d lost the experience and training he’d gained in the past few years, and he was no better than a chef barely out of culinary school. It was humbling, and one of the reasons he’d resisted cooking much so far.

Maybe there wasn’t a way to have a ministry as a chef, but he could have a ministry in other areas of his life. Was he willing to sacrifice his big dreams for the plan God might have for him?

Right then, he felt like he didn’t have a choice. His dream was farther out of reach than it had ever been, and he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to get it back.

“If we want to have peace and joy in our lives, trusting God and obeying His direction is the best way to achieve that.” Pastor Kennedy paused, then said, “I want you to take these verses with you this morning, and if you’ve memorized them, please say them with me. Proverbs three, verses five and six.Trust in theLordwith all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

Zane murmured the words along with others in the congregation, finding it interesting that the verse that had come to his mind a few days earlier was being brought to his attention again.

Pastor Kennedy closed his Bible and smiled out at the congregation. “Trust in God, seek His will, and glorify Him in all you do.”

Rather than the whole worship team getting up as Pastor Kennedy stepped back, just the song leader took his place at the podium as the piano played. It was a familiar hymn that tied right into the sermon.

When we walk with the Lord,

In the light of His Word,

What a glo­ry He sheds on our way!

While we do His good will,

He abides with us still,

And with all who will trust and ob­ey.

Trust and ob­ey,

For there’s no oth­er way

To be hap­py in Je­sus,

But to trust and ob­ey.

Not a bur­den we bear,

Not a sor­row we share,

But our toil He doth rich­ly re­pay;

Not a grief or a loss,

Not a frown or a cross,

But is blessed if we trust and obey.